Hey listeners! What's your favorite TV show? Какое ваше любимое ТВ-шоу? Let us know in Russian!
the simpson
tell eugenia that i cannot go to russia as i have trust issue with my spouse😞
thank you for the vocabulary list on television
Hello Deb,
This romanization is correct. This romanization just doesn't include pronunciation rules. 😄
Team RussianPod101.com
Another example where the Romanization of the Russian phrase shows the "r" written as English "g" when the pronunciation is actually English "v". I understand that the "r" is our "g" letter in Russian, and usually the "g" sound, but sometimes the pronunciation should be shown as "v":
пульт дистанционного управления
pul't distantcionnogo upravlyeniya
This is probably the 4th or 5th example of this error that I've found- perhaps the Romanization should be proofread more closely, as those of us trying to learn Russian need all the (accurate) help we can get!😳
Hello Mike,
That`s just a translation of a famous Orson Welles quote. :smile:
Best regards,
Team RussianPod101.com
Is the comment about eating peanuts a common Russian saying? lol
"Я ненавижу телевидение. Я ненавижу его так же, как земляные орешки. Попробуй остановиться, когда грызешь земляные орешки"
Hello AC,
Probably, you can find subtitles (Russian or English) somewhere on the Internet. :smile:
Я смотрю телешоу "Американцы", но не понимаю все части по-русски. Мне хотелось, чтобы кто-то смог их переписать!
Hello Shook,
Я люблю читать и играть НА скрипкЕ. :thumbsup:
Я не смотрю телевизор. Я люблю читать и играть скрипку.
(I dont watch television. I like to read and play the fiddle.)
I have a feeling my grammar is incorrect... :sob:
Hello John,
"Телешоу" is neutral, therefore it will be: "Моё любимое телешоу". By the way, I also like it :smile:
Team RussianPod101.com
Мой любимый телешоу "Supernatural". :smile: