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Learn all about Russian Names

Do you want to know how to write your name in Russian?

We’ll be honest with you—one of the questions we get asked the most on RussianPod101 is on — yes, you guessed it — names. The most frequently asked questions include:

  • “How do you write an English name in Russian?”
  • “Is it possible to make a nickname up and ask native Russian speakers to use it?”
  • “Are there any Russian names that sound like English names?”

For those who want to have their name in Russian, we have made it simple for you to write your name today. Yes, today! This post is your one-stop guide regarding Russian names!

Ask Us How to Write Your Name in Russian!

Write your name in Russian!

Want to know how to write your name in Russian? Just ask us! We’ll write your name in Russian.

  • Write your name in the English alphabet. Our Russian teachers might not speak your language :’(
  • If your name is pronounced differently from the spelling, please let us know the pronunciation.

How can you ask? First, log in to RussianPod101. Then, simply leave a comment on this page.


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Table of Contents


1. How to Write Your Name in Russian



Russian people use the Cyrillic alphabet to write English names. To write your English name in Russian, first you need to know the basics of the alphabet.

The easiest way is to find a Cyrillic letter that corresponds to the pronunciation of your Russian name. For example, if your name is “Maya,” you can use the letter м for the “m” sound,” а for “a” sound, then я for “ya” sound. You just need to put them together and write Мая for “Maya.”

Russian Alphabet Letters

Here are some English names in the Cyrillic alphabet.

  • Noah (Ной)
  • Jacob (Джейкоб)
  • Michael (Майкл)
  • Daniel (Дэниел)
  • Sandra (Сандра)
  • George (Джордж)
  • Thomas (Томас)
  • Elena (Елена)

If you cannot find your name on this list or want to make your name in the Cyrillic alphabet by yourself, here’s our video series for you. Check out Russian Alphabet Made Easy and learn how to write the Cyrillic characters for your English name.

This will help you learn the Cyrillic alphabet and start writing your name in Russian by yourself!


2. How to Make Up Your Russian Nickname


How to Make Up Your Russian Name

If you want to have your own Russian name that sounds like a typical name that any native speaker could read and understand without problems, don’t worry.

Here’s a list of Russian names hand-picked by our team. Pick the one that you like and use it as your Russian name.


A. Russian First Names

- a. Russian Female Names

  • Марина (Marina)
  • Ира (Ira)
  • Оксана (Oksana)
  • Линда (Linda)
  • Анна (Anna): Аня (Anya) is diminutive of Anna.
  • Елена (Elena)
  • Катя (Katya)

- b. Russian Male Names

  • Паша (Pasha)
  • Денис (Denis)
  • Иван (Ivan)
  • Юра (Yura)
  • Александр (Alexander)
  • Витя (Vitya)
  • Коля (Kolya)
  • Алексей (Alexey)

B. Russian Last Names

For those who want to have your own Russian last name too, here’s the list of popular Russian last names.

  • Иванов (Ivanov)
  • Марков (Markov)
  • Орлов (Orlov)
  • Попов (Popov)
  • Уткин (Utkin)
  • Волков (Volkov)
  • Медведев (Medvedev)
  • Борисов (Borisov)
  • Андреев (Andreev)


3. Related Lessons


Writing Series
In this video series, you will learn the Russian alphabet. We will teach you how to write them using simple steps, showing you the correct stroke order, helpful tricks for memorization, and proper usage in common Russian words. If you want to get started reading and writing Russian, this is THE place to start.


Introduction to Russian
Want to learn Russian? Don’t know where to start? This is it. The Introduction to Russian series is perfect for those who know zero Russian but want to take that first step. In this series, you’ll learn all about the Russian language, as well as grammar, writing and phrases to get you started.


Russian Pronunciation Guide
Ready to sound like a native Russian speaker? Join us in the Ultimate Russian Pronunciation Series! You’ll learn the ins and outs of perfect Russian pronunciation. You’ll learn the common mistakes learners make, how to avoid them, and the nuances that only native speakers are aware of.


Russian in 3 Minutes
Learn the basics you need to be polite while speaking Russian. We will take you step-by-step through must-know phrases and explain the grammar and composition. Plus, you’ll get some special tips on how to be extra authentic when interacting with native Russian speakers.


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RussianPod101.com Verified
Monday at 06:53 PM
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What's your name? Leave a comment. We'll write your name in the Russian alphabet ?

RussianPod101.com Verified
Thursday at 11:04 PM
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Hi Vicky!

Your name in Russian is Вики Уилсон (Vi-ki Uil-son).

Hi Can!

Your name in Russian is Кан (Kan).

Спасибо (Spasibo, "Thank you")

Team RussianPod101.com

Monday at 07:21 AM
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Can you please translate my given name? Vicky Wilson the pronunciation of it in English is vi-kē wil-sən Thank you

Thursday at 09:25 PM
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let's see

RussianPod101.com Verified
Wednesday at 05:33 PM
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Hi Iolene!

To write "Iolene" in Russian, you can use: Айолин (Ayolin).

Your name has a melodic and unique sound in Russian—thank you for sharing it!

Hi Shubham!

To write "Shubham Sonawane" in Russian, you can use: Шубхам Сонаване (Shubkham Sonavane).

Your name translates beautifully into Russian letters!

Hi Eleonor!

To write "Eleonor" in Russian, you can use: Элеонора (Eleonora).

Your name has a timeless elegance in Russian!

Hi Mario!

To write "Mario" in Russian, you can use: Марио (Mario).

Your name is classic and carries its charm even in Russian!

Hi Bill!

To write "Bill" in Russian, you can use: Билл (Bill).

Your name is short, modern, and effortlessly transliterates into Russian.

Hi Jean Luc!

To write "Jean Luc DOFFOU" in Russian, you can use: Жан Люк ДОФФУ (Zhan Lyuk DOFFU).

Your name looks distinguished and stylish in Russian—thank you for asking!

Hi Michelle!

To write "Michelle Pierce" in Russian, you can use: Мишель Пирс (Mishel Pirs). For the nickname "Mia," you can use: Миа (Mia).

Your name and nickname are both elegant and versatile in Russian!

Спасибо (Spasibo, "Thank you")

Team RussianPod101.com

RussianPod101.com Verified
Wednesday at 05:28 PM
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Hi Murat!

To write "Murat" in Russian, you can use: Мурат (Murat).

Your name retains its strong and timeless feel in Russian!

Hi Eugene!

To write "Eugene Cole" in Russian, you can use: Юджин Коул (Yudzhin Koul).

Your name looks modern and stylish in Russian—thank you for sharing it!

Hi Keyth!

To write "Keyth Rooney" in Russian, you can use: Кейт Руни (Keyt Runi).

Your name has a smooth and dynamic sound in Russian letters!

Hi Margaret!

To write "Margaret" or "Magi" (your short name) in Russian, you can use: Маргарет (Margaret) or Мэгги (Meggi) for your nickname.

Your name is beautifully versatile in Russian!

Hi Philip!

To write "Philip Newbold" in Russian, you can use: Филип Ньюболд (Filip Nyubold).

Your name translates wonderfully into Russian—thank you for sharing it!

Hi Jesse!

To write "Jessica (Jesse)" in Russian, you can use: Джессика (Джесси) (Dzhessika [Dzhessi]).

Your name has a charming and modern look in Russian!

Hi Ahmet!

To write "Ahmet" in Russian, you can use: Ахмет (Akhmet).

Your name carries a strong and meaningful presence in Russian letters!

Спасибо (Spasibo, "Thank you")

Team RussianPod101.com

Sunday at 06:37 AM
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Shubham Sonawane
Thursday at 10:50 PM
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Wednesday at 06:07 PM
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Что мой Русский зовут?

Wednesday at 07:42 AM
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Wednesday at 05:57 AM
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Bill is my English name.