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Jo:Hello everyone and welcome to RussianPod101.com. This is the Upper Beginner Series, season 1, lesson 9 - A Healthy Excuse to Go Shopping in Russia. I’m Jo.
Svetlana:And I am Svetlana. Privet. In this lesson we're going to learn different ways to use the particle ЖЕ.
Jo:We will also listen to Elena asking her husband to give her some money for shopping.
Svetlana:The conversation is between Elena and her husband, and it takes place at Elena’s house.
Jo:Since the speakers are a couple they’ll be using informal Russian.
Elena: Так как я начинаю занятия спортом, мне нужно купить подходящую обувь и одежду. Ты мне дашь денег?
Husband: Но ты же у меня только недавно просила денег!
Elena: Да, дорогой, но я же не могу ходить в спортзал в шубе. Мне нужно купить спортивный костюм и кроссовки.
Husband: И во сколько мне это обойдется?
Elena: Думаю, 30 000 рублей для начала хватит.
Husband: 30 000? Для начала,? Мда...Теперь я понимаю, почему говорят, что здоровье ни за какие деньги не купишь.
Elena: Tak kak ya nachinayu zanyatiya sportom, mne nuzhno kupit ' podhodyaschuyu obuv ' i odezhdu. Ty mne dash ' deneg?
Husband: No ty zhe u menya tol 'ko nedavno prosila deneg!
Elena: Da, dorogoy, no ya zhe ne mogu hodit ' v sportzal v shube. Mne nuzhno kupit ' sportivnyi kostyum i krossovki.
Husband: I vo skol 'ko mne eto oboydyotsya?
Elena: Dumayu, 30 000 rubley dlya nachala hvatit.
Husband: 30 000? Dlya nachala,? Mda...Teper ' ya ponimayu, pochemu govoryat, chto zdorov 'ye ni za kakiye den 'gi ne kupish '.
Elena: I'm about to start my gym training and I need to buy suitable sports shoes and clothes, so, will you give me some money?
Husband: Yes, but you just recently asked for money!
Elena: Yes, honey. But I can't go to the gym in my new fur coat, can I? I need to buy gym clothes and sneakers.
Husband: Okay, how much will it cost me?
Elena: I think 30,000 rubles is enough for now.
Husband: 30,000? For now?! Yeah...now I understand why they say that health cannot be bought.
Jo:Poor guy... his wife is costing him a lot of money.
Svetlana:Yeah, but I'm sure he is happy that she’s trying to stay healthy so he shouldn’t mind spending some money on her.
Jo:Would you say that Russian men are generous with money?
Svetlana:In general, yes.
Jo:Who usually pays for dinner and things on dates?
Svetlana:Definitely the men. They would never let a woman pay for dinner, even if they weren’t a couple.
Jo:So if a Russian man asks a woman out, it is assumed that he is going to pay?
Jo:There’s something to keep in mind, listeners!
Jo: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Svetlana: Подходящий [natural native speed]
Jo: suitable
Svetlana: Подходящий [slowly - broken down by syllable] Подходящий [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: Обувь [natural native speed]
Jo: shoes
Svetlana: Обувь [slowly - broken down by syllable] Обувь [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: недавно [natural native speed]
Jo: recently
Svetlana: недавно [slowly - broken down by syllable] недавно [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: Шуба [natural native speed]
Jo: fur coat
Svetlana: Шуба [slowly - broken down by syllable] Шуба [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: кроссовки [natural native speed]
Jo: sneakers
Svetlana: кроссовки [slowly - broken down by syllable] кроссовки [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: обойтись [natural native speed]
Jo: cost
Svetlana: обойтись [slowly - broken down by syllable] обойтись [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: деньги [natural native speed]
Jo: money
Svetlana: деньги [slowly - broken down by syllable] деньги [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: Давать [natural native speed]
Jo: to give
Svetlana: Давать [slowly - broken down by syllable] Давать [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: Для начала [natural native speed]
Jo: for now, at first
Svetlana: Для начала [slowly - broken down by syllable] Для начала [natural native speed]
Jo: And last...
Svetlana: теперь [natural native speed]
Jo: now, currently, presently
Svetlana: теперь [slowly - broken down by syllable] теперь [natural native speed]
Jo:Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Svetlana:The first word is the adjective подходящий.
Jo:“Suitable”. This adjective is derived from the verb “to suit” or “to fit”. Svetlana, how do you say that in Russian?
Svetlana:“подходить”. And an example is:
Наконец-то я нашла подходящую обувь.
Jo:“Finally, I found suitable shoes”. This adjective also means “appropriate”. For example,
Svetlana:Ты выбрал не самый подходящий момент, чтобы спрашивать подобные вопросы.
Jo:“It is not the best moment to ask this kind of question.”
Svetlana:Check the lesson notes to see the declension table for this adjective and many other examples as well.
Jo:Right. But for now, let’s move on to the next key word for this lesson.
Svetlana:The next one is the verb обходиться.
Jo:“to cost”. However, it is not a literal translation of this verb. When referring to financial cost this verb is used only in colloquial language, and it will always be used with a noun in the accusative case. For example,
Svetlana:Страховка обошлась туристам слишком дорого.
Jo:“The insurance was too expensive for tourists.”
Svetlana:The other meaning of this verb is “to treat somebody unfairly”. For example, Он обошёлся с ней не честно.
Jo:“He treated her unfairly.” Okay, what is the last key word for this lesson?
Svetlana:Lastly we have the phrase, Здоровье ни за какие деньги не купишь.
Jo:The literal translation for this phrase is “Health is impossible to buy” but the interpretation is “Health is better than wealth.” It is often used in both literal and figurative meanings.
Svetlana:The literal meaning of this phrase is used sarcastically because the cost of medical treatment is usually very high.
Jo:Okay, let’s move on to the grammar point.
Svetlana:In this lesson, we’re going to learn about the particle же. It is frequently used in different expressions in Russian. We also came across it in our dialogue when Elena’s husband said Но ты же у меня только недавно просила денег!
Jo:“Yes, but you just recently asked for money”. This particle is used to emphasize emotions. In the dialogue Elena’s husband used this particle to emphasize his annoyance at being asked for more money.
Svetlana:Elena also used the particle же, when she said Да, дорогой, но я же не могу ходить в спортзал в шубе.
Jo:Yes, honey. But I can’t go to the gym in my new fur coat, can I?
Svetlana:In this case the particle же emphasizes the argument, coming right after the preposition Но meaning “but”.
Jo:It is used after pronouns and some adverbs to point out one’s resemblance or similarity, persistence or continuity. For example,
Svetlana:Та же книга.
Jo:The same book.
Svetlana:Он жил всё там же.
Jo:“He still lives there.” There are also a lot of set expressions with this particle.
Svetlana:То же is used when the information is repeated or has been stated previously and everybody knows what it’s about. For example,
После долгих поисков, они пошли в то же кафе.
Jo:“After looking around for so long they went back to the same cafe”.
Svetlana:The next one is Одно и то же which is used to express something that is repetitive and that never changes. For example, Эта лекция очень скучная, потому что профессор постоянно говорит одно и то же.
Jo:“This lecture is so boring because the professor keeps saying the same thing over and over again.”
Svetlana:And the last expression with the particle же I’d like to point out is Тот же.
Jo:“the same” or “that one”.
Svetlana:This expression consists of the demonstrative pronoun Тот which is used to indicate only masculine objects.
Jo:To indicate feminine objects we have to use a different pronoun. What is that?
Svetlana:The pronoun Та. And neuter nouns are expressed with the pronoun То. For example,
Этот пирог имел тот же вкус как и тот, который я ел в детстве.
Jo:“This cake tastes just like one that I ate when I was little.”
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Jo:Okay. that’s it for this lesson. Thanks for listening everyone.

