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Lesson Transcript

Gina: Hello everyone and welcome to RussianPod101.com. This is the Upper Beginner Series, Season 1, lesson 20, Dealing with a Russian Hangover. I’m Gina.
Svetlana: And I’m Svetlana.
Gina: In this lesson we are going to learn how to make the short forms of adjectives in Russian. We’ll also listen to Elena’s husband struggling with a terrible hangover after their weekend trip to the countryside.
Svetlana: The conversation is between Elena and her husband, and it takes place in the their home.
Gina: The speakers are a married couple, so they’ll be using informal Russian.
Elena : Ну как ты себя чувствуешь после бурных выходных?
Husband: Очень болит голова.
Elena: Не удивительно. Я всегда поражалась как в тебя помещается столько пива и не только. Вы опустошили весь наш бар. Выпили даже наше свадебное шампанское.
Husband: Да, прости. Я так был рад победе в футбольном матче. У меня неплохо получалось.
Elena: Конечно, дорогой. Ты и твои друзья отлично играете против женской сборной.
Elena : Nu kak ty sebya chuvstvuyesh' posle burnykh vykhodnykh?
Husband: Ochen' bolit golova.
Elena: Ne udivitel'no. YA vsegda porazhalas' kak v tebya pomeshchayetsya stol'ko piva i ne tol'ko. Vy opustoshili ves' nash bar. Vypili dazhe nashe svadebnoye shampanskoye.
Husband: Da, prosti. Ya tak byl rad pobede v futbol'nom matche. U menya neplokho poluchalos'.
Elena: Konechno, dorogoy. Ty i tvoi druz'ya otlichno igrayete protiv zhenskoy sbornoy.
Elena: So, how do you feel after our rough weekend?
Husband: I have a horrible headache.
Elena: No wonder. I'm always amazed at how your stomach can fit that much beer. You emptied our whole bar. You even drank our wedding champagne.
Husband: Yes, I am sorry. I was so excited to win that soccer game. I came out as a very good player.
Elena: Yeah, honey. You and your friends played really well against the female team.
Gina: Oh poor husband. He has a hangover. But there was an excuse to drink. He won a football match!
Svetlana: Haha yes, but unfortunately there are plenty of excuses to drink in Russia. It’s so easy to make them up, actually.
Gina: Haha. That’s why a lot of people around the world think of Russians as heavy drinkers. I think it’s the best known stereotype.
Svetlana: And no wonder. But actually, even this stereotype is exaggerated in most cases. Russians do not drink vodka first thing in the morning.
Gina: I see. But in a drinking competition, I would bid on a Russian.
Svetlana: Can’t say I am proud! (laughs)
Gina: So people know about the drinking culture in Russia, but I’m sure they don’t know so much about cures for when you drink too much. How do Russians deal with it?
Svetlana: Oh, there are so many tricks. For example, Russians believe that if you drink a small amount of alcohol the next day it will ease your hangover. There is a special word for this, опохмелиться, which is hard to translate into English.
Gina: Maybe it means something like ‘hair of the dog’, then.
Gina: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Svetlana: чувствовать себя [natural native speed]
Gina: to feel
Svetlana: чувствовать себя [slowly - broken down by syllable] чувствовать себя [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Svetlana: бурный [natural native speed]
Gina: wild, crazy
Svetlana: бурный [slowly - broken down by syllable] бурный [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Svetlana: поражаться [natural native speed]
Gina: to be amazed
Svetlana: поражаться [slowly - broken down by syllable] поражаться [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Svetlana: помещаться [natural native speed]
Gina: to fit in, to find room
Svetlana: помещаться [slowly - broken down by syllable] помещаться [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Svetlana: опустошить [natural native speed]
Gina: to empty
Svetlana: опустошить [slowly - broken down by syllable] опустошить [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Svetlana: беречь [natural native speed]
Gina: to save, to protect
Svetlana: беречь [slowly - broken down by syllable] беречь [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Svetlana: юбилей [natural native speed]
Gina: anniversary
Svetlana: юбилей [slowly - broken down by syllable] юбилей [natural native speed]
Gina: And last...
Svetlana: получаться [natural native speed]
Gina: to come out
Svetlana: получаться [slowly - broken down by syllable] получаться [natural native speed]
Gina: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Svetlana: The first keyword is the verb поражаться
Gina: “to be amazed” or “to be very surprised”. We used this verb in our dialogue.
Svetlana: Right. Let me remind you.
Я всегда поражалась как в тебя помещается столько пива.
Gina: “I’m always amazed at how your stomach can fit that much beer.”
The noun used with this verb should always be put in the dative case. For example,
Svetlana: Она не могла не поразиться увиденному.
Gina: “She couldn't help but be surprised at what she saw.”
Also, this verb is used sarcastically when somebody is really surprised or shocked in a negative way. That’s actually the tone in this dialogue. Okay what’s the next keyword?
Svetlana: The next one is a verb опустошить
Gina: “to empty”.
Svetlana: This verb is derived from the noun пустошь which means “wasteland” or “idle land”.
Gina: So actually it can be translated into English as “to empty”, “to ruin”, and “to devastate”. For example
Svetlana: Стая саранчи опустощила все посевы в этом году.
Gina: “The grasshoppers devastated all of the crops this year.” Okay, and what’s the last word for this lesson?
Svetlana: The last one is the adverb так.
Gina: The English equivalent for this word would be “so”. It’s usually used this way to emphasize the meaning of word that follows. For example,
Svetlana: Невеста была так прекрасна сегодня.
Gina: “The bride was so beautiful today.” This adverb is usually used with qualitative adverbs to emphasize its quality. For example,
Svetlana: Он так много платит за свою страховку.
Gina: “He pays so much for his insurance.”
Svetlana: The adverb так is very frequently used in the grammatical construction так, что...
Gina: “so... that …”
Svetlana: For example, Она так хорошо спела, что вся аудитория аплодировала ей стоя.
Gina: “She sang so well that the audience stood up to applaud her.”
Okay, it’s time to move onto the grammar now.
Gina: In this lesson, you’re going to learn about short adjectives in Russian. We’ll learn how to form a short version of long adjectives, and about what cases they should be used in.
Svetlana: We used a short adjective in this lesson’s dialogue, remember? It’s рад which means “being happy” or “being excited”. The full form of this adjective is радостный, “happy”.
Gina: Right. But remember - only qualitative adjectives may have both long and short forms. For example,
Svetlana: лёгкий - лёгок
Gina: “light”
Svetlana: красивый - красив
Gina: “beautiful”. Short adjectives are usually placed at the end of the sentence. They cannot be followed by the noun they characterize. Let’s compare the use of long and short adjectives.
Svetlana: Good idea. First, I’ll give you a sentence with the long adjective
У него очень приятный голос.
Gina: “He has a very pleasant voice.”
The long adjective is used with a noun.
Svetlana: And here’s a sentence with a short adjective.
Его голос приятен.
Gina: “His voice is pleasant.”
Do you see how it works? The short adjective is placed at the end of the sentence, and there’s no noun after it.
Svetlana: Let me give you another example,
Мой отец очень занятой человек.
Gina: “My dad is a very busy person.”
Svetlana: The advective занятой is placed before the noun человек because it’s a long adjective in Russian. But in the sentence Мой отец очень занят.
Gina: “My dad is very busy.”
Svetlana: The adjective занят is in its short form. It’s placed at the end of the sentence and has no related nouns.
Gina: Also, we have some good news for you. Short adjectives will not change according to the noun case like long adjectives. We only need to remember the number and gender of the noun that it’s used with. For example,
Svetlana: ученик умён
Gina: “The student is smart.”
Svetlana: The short adjective умён refers to the noun ученик, which is a singular masculine noun.
Gina: To know how short adjectives will be modified according to number and gender, check the lesson notes. You’ll also find more examples and explanations there.


Gina: That’s it for this lesson, everyone! See you next time.
Svetlana: Пока пока.

