
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jo: Hello everyone and welcome to RussianPod101.com. This is the Upper Beginner Series, season 1, lesson 12 - “Keep Spending ‘Til the Last Kopeck in Russia”. I’m Jo.
Svetlana: And I’m Svetlana. Privet.
Jo: In this lesson we're going to learn how to form adjectives from nouns in Russian. And we will also find out what Elena spent all her money on while shopping.
Svetlana: The conversation is between Elena and a salesperson, and it takes place at the sportswear store.
Jo: Since the speakers are strangers they’ll be using formal Russian.
ELENA: Ну всё, я определилась с выбором. Спасибо вам большое за помощь. Посчитайте, пожалуйста, сколько это будет стоить моему мужу?
SHOP ASSISTANT: Все вместе получается 15 000 рублей. Еще выполучаете 10 процентную скидку на весь товар.
ELENA: Отлично, а в честь чего?
SHOP ASSISTANT: У нас сезонные скидки и к тому же промо-акция нового товара. Вот, посмотрите каталог.
ELENA: Спасибо. Покупки вышли дешевле, чем я планировала. Пойду куплю себе новые сережки.
SHOP ASSISTANT: Приходите к нам ещё. До свидания.
ELENA: До свидания.
Elena: Nu vso, ya opredelilas' s vyborom. Spasibo vam bol'shoye za pomoshch'. Poschitayte pozhaluysta, skol'ko eto vso budet stoit' moyemu muzhu?
SHOP ASSISTANT: Vse vmeste poluchayetsya 15 000 rubley. Yeshche vy poluchayete 10 protsentnuyu skidku na ves' tovar.
ELENA: Otlichno, a v chest' chego?
SHOP ASSISTANT: U nas sezonnyye skidki i k tomu zhe promo-aktsiya novogo tovara. Vot, posmotrite katalog. Elena: Spasibo. Pokupki vyshli deshevle, chem ya planirovala. Poydu kuplyu sebe novyye serezhki.
SHOP ASSISTANT: Prikhodite k nam yeshche. Do svidaniya.
ELENA: Do svidaniya.
Elena: Okay, I'll get these. Thank you very much for your help. Could you please tell me how much will it cost my husband?
Shop assistant: That will be 15,000 rubles plus a ten percent discount on all items.
Elena: Great. What is the discount for?
Shop assistant: It is a seasonal discount and a campaign to promote the new collection. Here, take a look at the catalogue.
Elena: Thank you. The total turned out to be cheaper than I expected. Maybe I should buy some new earrings then.
Shop assistant: Please come again. Good-bye.
Elena: Good-bye.
Jo: Well, Elena spent every last cent. Her poor husband!
Svetlana: Yeah, but at least she got that discount. I don't think her husband will know about it though.
Jo: Yeah, I doubt he will! So when are there big sales in Russia?
Svetlana: We have them almost every season. But the biggest ones are in the winter and the summer. Some brand name shops have discounts from 50-70%.
Jo: That’s quite big.
Svetlana: Yes. But since it is a sale, it is hard to find what you really want, you know? Your size or color...
Jo: That’s true. And can you bargain in Russian markets?
Svetlana: Yes, but of course you have to have good negotiation skills.
Jo: I think I’ll have to practice mine to shop in Russia!
Jo: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Svetlana: определиться [natural native speed]
Jo: to decide
Svetlana: определиться [slowly - broken down by syllable] определиться [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: помощь [natural native speed]
Jo: help, assistance
Svetlana: помощь [slowly - broken down by syllable] помощь [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: посчитать [natural native speed]
Jo: to count, to sum up
Svetlana: посчитать [slowly - broken down by syllable] посчитать [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: получаться [natural native speed]
Jo: to result in, to turn out as
Svetlana: получаться [slowly - broken down by syllable] получаться [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: скидка [natural native speed]
Jo: discount
Svetlana: скидка [slowly - broken down by syllable] скидка [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: товар [natural native speed]
Jo: good
Svetlana: товар [slowly - broken down by syllable] товар [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: промо-акция [natural native speed]
Jo: promotion, campaign
Svetlana: промо-акция [slowly - broken down by syllable] промо-акция [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: каталог [natural native speed]
Jo: catalogue
Svetlana: каталог [slowly - broken down by syllable] каталог [natural native speed]
Jo: Next
Svetlana: планироватьto plan [natural native speed]
Jo: to plan
Svetlana: планироватьto plan [slowly - broken down by syllable] планироватьto plan [natural native speed]
Jo: And last...
Svetlana: сережки [natural native speed]
Jo: earrings
Svetlana: сережки [slowly - broken down by syllable] сережки [natural native speed]
Jo: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Svetlana: The first word of this lesson is the verb определиться
Jo: “to decide”. Like many verbs in Russian it has different meanings. It was used in our dialogue to mean “to decide” or “to make up one’s mind.” Let’s hear some more examples.
Svetlana: Мы все никак не можем определиться с датой свадьбы.
Jo: “We still can’t decide on our wedding date.” Another meaning of this verb is “to become clear” or “to understand”. For example,
Svetlana: Карта поможет вам определиться с направлением.
Jo: “The map will help you find the way.” Another meaning is “to find or determine one’s position”. It is not used as frequently as the other meanings but it can still be used in some expressions. For example,
Svetlana: Он определился на воинскую службу.
Jo: “He started military service”
Svetlana: The next key phrase for this lesson is the adverb в честь
Jo: The literal translation is “in honor”. This expression can be used both in formal and informal language, but it is more for the formal situation. It also can be translated into English as “for” . For example,
Svetlana: Завтра будет фейерверк в честь Дня Победы.
Jo: “Tomorrow there will be fireworks for Victory day.” Okay, what is the last keyword for this lesson?
Svetlana: The verb выходить
Jo: “to result in” or “to turn out”. This verb is one of the most frequently used verbs in Russian and, of course, it has a lot of meanings. The most common meaning of this verb is “to go out” or “to leave”.
Svetlana: It is usually used with the preposition ИЗ, or “from”, when talking about leaving some location. For example,
Когда я вышел из дома, было еще темно.
Jo: “When I left the house it still was dark.”
Svetlana: There is a set expression with this verb that means “to go out” and is mostly used as an exclamation. Выйди отсюда!
Jo: “Get out of here!” The other meaning of this verb is “to leave” as in “no longer being a part of something”.
Svetlana: And it is also used with the preposition ИЗ, meaning “from”, and a noun in the genitive case. For example,
Он вышел из состава этой группы 3 года назад.
Jo: “He left this group 3 years ago.” The next meaning is “to come” or “to appear”, which might seem a bit strange since it is opposite in meaning to “to leave”.
Svetlana: In this case, the verb is used with the preposition НА and a noun in the accusative case. For example, Она вышла на работу после больничного.
Jo: “She came to work after taking sick leave.” And the last meaning is “to get married”.
Svetlana: выходить замуж. This phrase can only be used towards women, because when men get married, we say жениться.
Jo: Okay, good to know. Now let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Svetlana: In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to form adjectives from nouns.
Jo: Yes, I believe we had a couple of adjectives in our dialogue that were formed from nouns.
Svetlana: Right, They were процентный and сезонный
Jo: “Percentage” and “seasonal”, respectively.
Svetlana: The first adjective is from the noun процент “percent”, and the second one is from the noun сезон “season”.
Jo: So, now let’s figure out how can we change nouns to adjectives. This will expand our vocabulary very quickly.
Svetlana: Okay, But before we start let me remind you that adjectives usually end with -ый or -ий. So bear that in mind when I introduce the new suffix to you. It should be stem+suffix+ending. For example,
серебро -серебрянный, which means “silver”.
The stem is сереб- , the suffixes -ян- and н-, and the ending -ый.
Jo: Okay, So let me make sure I’ve got this right. When we make an adjective from a noun, we do so by adding a particular suffix and ending right?
Svetlana: Exactly. Here are the most common suffixes that form qualitative adjectives- -н; -ов-, -ск-, -аст-, -альн-, -еск-, -лив-. For example, сон - сонный.
Jo: sleep - sleepy
Svetlana: город - городской
Jo: city - urban
Svetlana: документ - документальный
Jo: “document” - “documentary”. Okay, why don’t we take a closer look at the most common suffixes?
Svetlana: Sure! First we have -онн- and -енн-. They help to make a lot of adjectives from nouns. For example,
традиция - традиционный
Jo: tradition - traditional
Svetlana: чувство - чувственный
Jo: sense - sensual
Svetlana: the next ones are -аст- and -ист-. They are often used to make adjectives that are used in colloquial casual language. For example,
глаза - глазастый
Jo: eyes - sharp-sighted
Svetlana: голос - голосистый
Jo: voice - “loud” or “strongly-voiced”
Svetlana: There is one more suffix which is also used a lot to make adjectives from nouns.
Jo: Actually there are many more than what we have discussed but for now let’s concentrate only on the ones that were mentioned in this lesson.
Svetlana: Right. So the last suffix of this lesson is -н-, and it is one of the most commonly used ones. For example, лес - лесной
Jo: forest - woody
Svetlana: железо - железный
Jo: iron - made of iron
Svetlana: This suffix is also often used with nouns that end with -ота or -ость. For example, высота - высотный
Jo: height - “high-altitude” or “tall”
Svetlana: жидкость - жидкостный
Jo: liquid - “fluid” as an adjective


Jo: That’s it for this lesson. Thanks for listening everyone.
Svetlana: Pokapoka

