
Vocabulary (Review)

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Hello and welcome to Russian Survival Phrases. This course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Russia. So join us for Russian Survival phrases. You will be surprised at how far a little Russian will go.
No matter where you are you will always have some place to be. Today we'll look at a question that will give you the tools to find out how much time you have left to get there. We'll also give you the tools to understand in Russian what time is it is: “skol'ka vremya?”. Skol'ka vremya?Let`s break it down by syllable: sko-l'ka vre-mya. Now, let`s hear it once again: skol'ka vremya. The first word “skol`ka” means “what”. Let`s break down this word and hear it one more time: skol`-ka and skol`ka. This is followed by “vremya” which in English is “time”: vre-mya and vremya. So, altogether we have: “skol'ka vremya?”. Literally this means: “What time?”.
Now, let`s go over hours here. “Hours” in Russian is “chasy”: cha-sy and chasy. But with different numbers the word “chasy”, or “hours” in English changes its form. Let`s see how it is in Russian:
12 o'clock (hours) dvenatsat' chasof
1 o'clock (hour) adin chas
2 o'clock (hours) dva chasa
3 o'clock (hours) tri chasa
4 o'clock (hours) chetyre chasa
5 o'clock (hours) pyat' chasof
6 o'clock (hours) shest' chasof
7 o'clock (hours) sem' chasof
8 o'clock (hours) vosem' chasof
9 o'clock (hours) devyat' chasof
10 o'clock (hours) desyat' chasof
11 o'clock (hours) adinatsat' chasof
Let`s go over minutes here. “Minutes” in Russian are “minuty”: mi-nu-ty and minuty.
For example:
33 minutes is tritsat' tri minuty
44 minutes is sorak chetyre minuty
Just the number followed by the word for “minutes”. Now, let's put them together:
3:12 is tri chasa dvenatsat' minut
In Russia, people explain time in a few ways. For example, “one o'clock” can be “adin chas”, as in the example above, or “chas dnya”, which is “1 p.m.”. “1 a.m.” could be “chas nochi”. “3.12” could be either “tri chasa dvenatsat' minut” or “dvenatsat' minut chetvyortava”, which in English is “3 hours and 12 minutes” or “12 minutes past 3” respectively. At first sight it sounds confusing and it is, but we recommend you to learn a classical way or say hours the way we learnt today. If you did not understand the answer, say “Ya ne ponyal” for men and “Ya ne ponyala” for women, which means: “I did not understand”. Or you can also say “Paftarite pazhalusta”, which means “Repeat it, please”. Then the person will repeat it in a classical way show watches or write it on the paper.
To close out today`s lesson we'd like for you to practice what we`d just learnt. I will provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you are responsible for saying it aloud. You'll have a few seconds before I`ll give you the answer. Udachi! That means “good luck”! Ok, here we go!
What time is it?……..skol'ka vremya?
Hours ……..chasy
33 minutes…...tritsat' tri minuty
44 minutes ….sorak chetyre minuty
3.12…...tri chasa dvenatsat' minut
Alright, that's going to do for today. See you tomorrow, which in Russian is da zaftra!

