
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anna: [Привет Бангок! Меня зовут Анна.]
Erik: Erik here. Newbie series, season 1, lesson 15. Let Me See You Off.
Anna: Hello everyone. I am Anna and welcome to russianpod101.com
Erik: With us, you will learn to speak Russian with fun and effective lessons.
Anna: We also provide you with cultural insights
Erik: And tips you won’t find in a textbook. This lesson is a follow up from lesson 14 and here Anna, I think you are going to make it very clear that you want to go home.
Anna: Yes. This lesson is continuing from when we left off from the lesson 14.
Erik: And we will still be speaking informally.
Anna: Okay we are still friends.
Erik: That’s good to know. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
Анна: Эрик, мне пора домой.
(Anna:) Erik, mne pora domoi.
Эрик: Да ладно, ещё же рано.
(Erik: Da ladno, eshchyo zhe rano)
Анна (три часа с пустя): Эрик, я устала. Хочу домой
(Anna - tri chasa s pustya: Erik, ya ustala. Hochu domoi. )
Эрик: Хорошо, давай я тебя провожу.
(Erik: Horosho, davai ya tebya provozhu.)
Erik: One time slowly.
Anna: Ещё раз медленнее.
Анна: Эрик, мне пора домой.
(Anna: Erik, mne pora domoi.)
Эрик: Да ладно, ещё же рано.
(Erik: Da ladno, eshchyo zhe rano)
Анна (три часа с пустя): Эрик, я устала. Хочу домой
(Anna tri chasa s pustya): Erik, ya ustala. Hochu domoi. )
Эрик: Хорошо, давай я тебя провожу.
(Erik: Horosho, davai ya tebya provozhu.)
Erik: One time natural native speed with the translation.
Anna: Ещё раз с переводом.
Anna: Эрик, мне пора домой.
Erik: Erik, I have to go home.
Anna: Да ладно, ещё же рано.
Erik: Come on, it’s still early.
Anna: [три часа с пустя]
Erik: Three hours later.
Anna: [Эрик, я устала. Хочу домой]
Erik: Erik, I am tired. I want to go home.
Anna: [Хорошо, давай я тебя провожу.]
Erik: Okay let me see you off.
Erik: So Anna, maybe you really didn’t want to leave the club at the beginning. You stayed another 3 hours.
Anna: You are right. That’s why I didn’t say I want to go home but instead I said, I need to in the beginning remember?
Erik: Right you said [мне пора домой]
Anna:Yeah exactly and then three hours later, I sounded more persuasive.
Erik: [хочу]
Anna: Yes.
Erik: I want to go. Okay, okay.
Anna: No more chances to say.
Erik: No more chances that was it. Okay let’s take a look at the vocabulary and phrases for this lesson. Our first phrase is
Anna: [да ладно]
Erik: Come on.
Anna: [да ладно]
Erik: Next
Anna: [ещё]
Erik: Still, more.
Anna: [ещё]
Erik: Next
Erik: Indeed, and.
Anna: [же]
Erik: Next
Anna: [рано]
Erik: Early.
Anna: [рано]
Erik: Next
Anna: [устать]
Erik: To be tired.
Anna: [устать]
Erik: Next
Anna: [хочу домой]
M: I want to go home.
Anna: [хочу домой]
Erik: Next
Erik: To see off, to see someone off.
Anna: [провожать]
Erik: Okay let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Anna: Our first phrase is [да ладно]
Erik: This one is a really good one.
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: It has so many meanings right Anna?
Anna: Yeah exactly. In our dialogue, it was used as the equivalent to the English come on.
Erik: [да ладно] Come on or take it easy or please stay and dance with me.
Anna: Well okay.
Erik: We are stretching the meaning there a little bit but…
Anna: Yeah you can also use this phrase to cheer up your friends if he or she is worried about something like [Да ладно, не расстряивайся. Всё будет хорошо.]
Erik: So let’s translate that.
Anna: [да ладно]
Erik: Come on.
Anna: [не расстряивайся]
Erik: Don’t worry.
Anna:[всё будет хорошо]
Erik: Everything will be okay.
Anna: Yes.
Erik: And this last one, it’s very common phrase. [всё будет хорошо]
Anna: [всё будет хорошо]
Erik: When else can we use [да ладно] Anna?
Anna:Very often it’s used when you are surprised or you don’t believe something. The intonation though is different for both cases. So Erik, can you surprise me?
Erik: Anna, [я актёр]
Anna: [Ты актёр? Да ладно!] You are an actor.
Erik: I am a famous voice actor for russianpod101.com
Anna: Alright.
Erik: So let’s do the same example. The first one was surprise [да ладно]. Now let’s do [да ладно] with doubt.
Anna: Okay try to surprise me again Erik.
Erik: Anna, [я актёр]
Anna: [Да ладно.]
Erik: So that was very different [да ладно]. You are not believing me at all.
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: So Anna, let’s have a side by side comparison. Surprise [да ладно*] versus doubt [да ладно]. Let’s have the first surprise.
Anna: [да ладно]
Erik: Okay now doubt.
Anna: [да ладно]
Erik: So really it’s all intonation. [да ладно] it goes higher
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: And then if you are doubt, it’s [да ладно] it goes lower.
Anna: Exactly.
Erik: Okay good. What’s our next phrase Anna?
Anna: The next one is [ещё же рано]
Erik: Okay let’s break that down.
Erik: Still.
Erik: So.
Anna: [рано]
Erik: Early. Still so early.
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: Can you say this phrase without the [же]
Anna: You can but it would have a little bit different meaning because this particle implies surprise. As in our example, you are surprised to hear that I am going to leave [ещё же рано*]
Erik: So the [же] has implied surprise.
Anna: Right.
Erik: So this is really common in Russian. Is there any other meaning for this particle [же]
Anna: Actually this particle is used to express emphasis.
Erik: Okay Anna. How about another example with this particle [же]. So say I am going to Lake Baikal and I actually have swim in the Lake Baikal in August.
Anna: Wow!
Erik: It was cold but there is a two-week period where you can swim and it’s okay.
Anna: Crazy! Only two weeks. I didn’t know that.
Erik: About two weeks is all. So let’s say it’s spring time and I say Anna, I want to go for a swim at Lake Baikal.
Anna: I would say [ещё же холодно] Are you crazy?
Erik: Yeah still too cold.
Anna: Right.
Erik: Okay so the [же] is adding emphasis. You could say [ещё холодно]
Anna: [ещё холодно]
Erik: But the [же] makes it really a lot stronger. It’s still so cold.
Anna: Yes.

Lesson focus

Erik: Okay now it’s time for the grammar for this lesson.
Anna: In our dialogue, we had plenty of verbs used with the preposition I or [я]
Erik: Let’s first look at the phrase
Anna: [хочу домой]
Erik: Or I want to go home. Note that in Russian, we can omit the verb to go if you are saying that you want to go somewhere. How about another example Anna?
Anna:Sure [хочу в горы]
Erik: Okay let’s break that down.
Anna: [хочу]
Erik: I want
Anna: [в]
Erik: To.
Anna: [горы]
Erik: Mountains. Literally I want to mountains or I want to go to the mountains.
Anna: Yes. I can also say [хочу в Москву.]
Erik: I want to Moscow or I want to go to Moscow.
Anna: Yes.
Erik: So Anna, is this more of an informal context.
Anna: Well I would say so. Probably in the formal context, you would use the full version. You would say [я хочу поехать] and then the place.
Erik: Okay so I want to go. You would use the to go verb.
Anna: Yes and probably you would use [я] the pronoun [я] as well.
Erik: But informally you can really shorten the sentence [хочу]
Anna: And then place.
Erik: [домой]
Anna: Yeah exactly.
Erik: There it is.
Anna: Okay another point I would like to focus on today is how to change Russian verbs when you are talking about yourself in present tense.
Erik: So conjugating verbs in Russian is not so easy but we will try to make it as simple as possible.
Anna: Just remember that you need to change the infinitive form of the verb by taking out its ending which can be [ать, еть, ить] and substituted by [у] or [ю].
Erik: Okay there are only three endings for verbs in Russian?
Anna: No not really. There are a lot.
Erik: Okay so these are just three examples.
Anna: Yes. [ать, еть, ить]
Erik: [ить] And the [у] and [ю], is that there are more endings for I in Russian or is that the only ending if you want to say I
Anna: These are the only endings for I in present tense.
Erik: Okay so let’s have some examples.
Anna: Okay [читать]
Erik: To read
Anna: Becomes [читаю]
Erik: I read.
Anna: [кушать]
Erik: To eat.
Anna: Becomes [кушаю]
Erik: I eat.
Anna: [говорить]
Erik: To speak.
Anna: Becomes [говорю]
Erik: [Говорю по-русски. Я говорю по-русски.]
Anna: Exactly. I speak Russian.
Erik: There you go. So Anna, all the previous verbs you gave, [читать] becomes [читаю]
Anna: Yes
Erik: The U sound. Do we have an example with [у] sound?
Anna: Yeah we had it in our dialogue as well.
Erik: Oh that’s right.
Anna:[хочу домой]
M: [хочу]
Anna: [хочу]
M: So it’s not [хотю]
Anna: Right.
Erik: It’s [хочу]
Anna: And also please be careful because some of the verbs might be tricky such as [хотеть] for example. [хотеть] is the dictionary or infinitive form but it becomes [хочу] not [хотю]
Erik: So there are some exceptions but now you can just remember this phrase [хочу домой] I want to go home.
Anna: Exactly yeah.


Erik: Okay Anna, I think that does it for today.
Anna: [Спасибо, Эрик.]
Erik: [Пожалуйста, Анна.]
Anna: Don’t forget to stop by russianpod101.com and leave us a comment.
Erik: We will be waiting.
Anna: [Пока, пока!]

