
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anna: [Привет Золотой берег Австралии! Меня зовут Анна.]
Erik: Erik here. Newbie series, season 1, lesson 13. To Us.
Anna: Hello everyone. I am Anna and welcome to russianpod101.com.
Erik: With us, you will learn to speak Russian with fun, effective lessons.
Anna: We also provide you with cultural insights.
Erik: And tips you won’t find in a textbook. In this lesson, you will learn how to make toasts.
Anna: This conversation takes place at a café.
Erik: And the conversation is between friends.
Anna: So speakers will be speaking informally.
Erik: Okay. Let’s listen to the conversation.
Anna: The conversation is between me and Erik.
Erik: Okay here we go.
Анна: [А вот и наше вино.]
(Anna: A vot i nashe vino.)
Эрик:[Давай выпьем. За нас!]
(Erik: Davai vyp’em. Za nas!)
Анна: [За нас Эрик, за дружбу!]
(Anna: Za nas Erik, za druzhbu!)
Erik: One time slowly.
Anna: Ещё раз медленнее
Анна: [А вот и наше вино.]
(Anna: A vot i nashe vino.)
Эрик: [Давай выпьем. За нас!]
(Erik: Davai vyp’em. Za nas!)
Анна: [За нас Эрик, за дружбу!]
(Anna: Z nas Erik, za druzhbu!)
Erik: One time natural native speed with the translation.
Anna: [А вот и наше вино.]
Erik: Hah! Here is our wine.
Anna: [Давай выпьем. За нас!]
Erik: Let’s drink to us.
Anna: [За нас Эрик, за дружбу!]
Erik: To us Erik, to friendship.
Anna: Okay Erik, I have a question for you.
Erik: Okay.
Anna: Can you recall the first toast you’ve ever made in Russian?
Erik: Uh! Well the first big toast I made was with my host family at my host mother’s big birthday party.
Anna: Okay.
Erik: It was about 60 people there and I had to speak in front of everyone.
Anna: Wow.
Erik: So I wrote down my speech in Russian and practiced it.
Anna: What was that?
Erik: It was a very cheesy toast actually. So I was thanking my host family and at the end of the toast, it’s a common way to end a toast right if you are thanking someone, you can say [Желаю вам счастья!]
Anna: Right.
ERIK: I wish you happiness.
Anna: You happiness right..
Erik: It went pretty well.
Anna: Right.
Erik: Practice yourselves. You will have to make toasts at one point if you go to Russia.
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: Yeah, yeah, yeah and if you have dinner with Russians, you know, you will need to make a toast. So this lesson is very important.
Anna: Okay.
Erik: Okay let’s take a look at the vocabulary and phrases for this lesson. Our first word is
Anna: [наш]
Erik: Our.
Anna: [наш]
Erik: Next
Erik: Wine.
Anna: [вино]
Erik: Next
Anna: [выпить]
Erik: To drink
Anna: [выпить]
Erik: Next
Anna: [давай]
Erik: Let’s
Anna: [давай]
Erik: Next
Anna: [за нас]
Erik: To us
Anna: [за нас]
Erik: Next
Anna: [дружба]
Anna: [дружба]
Erik: Okay let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Anna: The first phrase we will look at is [а вот и]
Erik: So Anna, in the dialogue, you said [а вот и наше вино]
Anna: Right.
Erik:What is [а вот и я] mean? [а вот и я]
Anna: Oh that’s a nice example Erik. You would usually use the phrase [я вот и] using any of the nouns or pronouns like the pronoun [я] for example. It means that something or someone you’ve been expecting has finally come.
Erik: So the wine finally came [а вот и наше вино]
Anna: Yes exactly.
Erik: But you can also say [а вот и я] meaning I.
Anna: Right if for example, your friends have been waiting for you or when you are coming home, you can say [а вот и я]
Erik: Oh that’s a great example Anna. Thanks. Okay Anna, let’s talk about our second phrase which is
Anna: [давай]
Erik: Or lets
Anna: Let’s. This is a very important one.
Erik: You can use it when you are suggesting something to your friend for example [давай выпьем] in our example
Anna: Let’s drink.
Erik: There you go. How about another example Anna?
Anna: [давай пойдём]
Erik: Let’s go.
Anna: Or [давай поговорим]
Erik: Let’s talk.
Anna: Right.
Erik: Anna, there is one more word I like to talk about.
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: The verb [выпить]
Anna: You like this one.
Erik: I do. So is this verb only for drinking alcohol or are there other uses?
Anna: Not really. You can say [выпить ликарство]
Erik: Okay and [лекарство] is medicine right?
Anna: Right.
Erik: So drink medicine literally.
Anna: Right.
Erik: Okay that’s good to know. And are there any other words you can use [выпить] with like juice or water?
Anna: Yeah you can say [я хочу выпить сок]
Erik: I want to drink juice.
Anna: Right.

Lesson focus

Erik: Okay. Now let’s look at the grammar for this lesson. So the focus of this lesson is how to say a toast in Russian.
Anna: Which is always useful
Erik: Indeed and all you need to remember is that if you want to say toast in Russian, say
Anna: [за]
Erik: Which is the equivalent in English of to in this case and then name the person or thing you would like to honor or to drink for.
Anna: Exactly in our dialogue, we had two examples. [за нас]
Erik: To us
Anna: And [за дружбу]
Erik: To friendship. Anna, could you explain to us how the nouns we use after the preposition [за] change?
Anna: Well I should mention that the changes occur because of the accusative case but in this case, only feminine nouns ending in [а] change their ending to [у]
Erik: Just like we had in our example [дружба] changes to [дружбу]
Anna: Right. [за дружбу] Erik, can you think of another nice example which our listeners can use?
Erik: I know a nice one. How about to love?
Anna:Oh that’s a really nice one.
Erik: How would you say to love Anna?
Anna: [за любовь]
Erik: So Anna, here [лубовь] does not change right?
Anna: Yeah even though it’s a feminine noun, it doesn’t change because it doesn’t have the [а] so we just say [за лубовь] and this one is definitely worth remembering.
Erik: Absolutely. Anna, how about some more examples of toasts, common toasts that our listeners can use when they go to a Russian speaking country?
Anna:Okay some simple ones. [за вас]
Erik: To you. It’s used with a person that you respect or an older person.
Anna:Right [за тебя]
Erik: Also to you but this one is more informal used with a friend.
Anna: [за сщастье]
Erik: To happiness.
Anna: [за здоровье]
Erik: To health.
Anna:[за удачу]
Erik: To good luck or good fortune. Anna, let’s do those one more time a little bit slower.
Anna: Okay [за вас]
Erik: To you.
Anna:[за тебя]
Erik: To you, informal.
Anna: [за счастье]
Erik: To happiness.
Anna: [за здоровье]
Erik: To health.
Anna: [за удачу]
Erik: To good luck and notice the last one changes from [удача] luck to [удачу]
Erik: [удачу]
Anna: Exactly.


Erik: Okay. Okay Anna, I hope our listeners found these toasts useful and if you have any other toasts you’d like to share with us, please leave a comment on this lesson.
Anna:Okay Erik thanks and let’s go for a drink now.
Erik: [Давай выпьем, Анна.]
Anna: [Давай выпьем...кофе.]
Erik: [За нас!]
Anna: [За нас!]
Erik: Bye bye.
Anna:[Пока, пока!]

