Lesson Transcript

Hey everyone, welcome to The Monthly Review, the monthly show on language learning, where you discover new learning strategies, motivational tips, study tools, and resources.
By the way, all the lessons and bonuses you're about to see can be downloaded for free on our website.
So click the link in the description right now to sign up for your free lifetime account.
Okay, today's topic is how to write 1,000 words in your target language in five minutes a day.
Now, don't worry, this language learning method isn't as hard as it sounds.
But through it, you'll master a ton of words, phrases, and grammar, improve your speaking, and much more simply by writing for just five minutes a day.
How exactly?
Stick around.
Today you'll discover a simple but powerful tactic for practicing writing, the hidden language learning benefits of writing, and how to write 1,000 words with a special free study tool.
But first, if you're looking for new free language resources and downloads, here are this month's new lessons and resources.
Be sure to download these now before we take them down in a few days.
First, the giving the time PDF conversation cheat sheet.
This brand new cheat sheet will teach you how to ask for and give the time fluently.
Download it for free right now.
And second, the core 2,000 words PDF ebook.
Actually, this PDF ebook is usually not free and is sold at our store, but you can get free access for the next few days and get fluent with the 2,000 must know words inside.
So don't miss out because this book will go back into our vault soon.
To get your free resources, click the link in the description below right now.
They're yours to keep forever.
Now to today's topic.
How to write 1,000 words in your target language in five minutes a day.
Part one, a simple but powerful tactic for practicing writing.
So what's this powerful learning tactic that'll help you write 1,000 words?
Well, you'll be surprised how simple it is, but the language learning technique is simply copying and writing lines into a notebook.
And it's a super easy way to start writing in your target language.
Now, you might be feeling underwhelmed.
You may now be writing a comment about how you're disappointed now that you know what it is.
But if you actually copy things out consistently, this writing tactic can and will help you master a language.
That is if you take action.
So why does copying things out work and what makes it a good language learning strategy?
Part two, the hidden language learning benefits of writing.
First, it's super easy to do.
Copying out lines, say from a textbook or an article takes no thinking whatsoever.
You don't have to worry about what to write.
You just copy.
You can do it any time of day, and it's a skill you can practice on your own.
Second, writing helps you retain the language.
The more you interact with the language, the better you remember it.
So when writing out words, you're focused on them, and you're reading them at the same time.
This helps the information stick.
Third, you learn new words, phrases, and grammar indirectly.
If you keep up with this daily, you'll always come across new words as you practice with this technique, and writing them out will help you remember them.
Fourth, you indirectly improve your speaking and reading skills as well.
The words and phrases that you learn and retain this way will, of course, spill over into reading and speaking and help you speak, read, and understand more of the language.
And fifth, you get valuable language output practice.
With language learning, you need equal amounts of input, reading and listening, and output, speaking and writing, to truly master a language.
Writing is the perfect way to practice output.
This tactic works so well that it's a practice among writers, novelists, and even people
in advertising.
Writers imitate great writers by copying out their work word for word, and by doing this, they get used to a certain style of writing.
And the same goes for language.
You get used to the language, the structure of sentences, and what sounds natural and what doesn't.
Now, how do you apply this copying out tactic?
Do you just copy anything?
And should you write 1,000 words all up front?
The answer to that last question is no.
But here's what you do.
Part three, how to write 1,000 words with a special free study tool.
First, sign up for our Word of the Day.
This is a free study tool, and every day, it sends you an email with a new word, along with the meaning and a few sample sentences.
Second, open up the lesson when you get it.
Review the word and then copy out the word in the sample sentences.
And that's it.
You're done for the day.
This takes five minutes or less.
Then, the next day, repeat the process.
Open up the Word of the Day email and copy out the words in sample sentences.
To reach 1,000 words in one month, you need to write about 35 words a day.
And you can do that easily by just copying out the word in a few sample sentences.
And through this, you'll learn more words and phrases and grammar.
You'll also directly improve your writing skills and indirectly improve your reading and speaking skills.
By the way, you can use this tactic with any other resource as well.
You can copy out the lesson dialogues in our lessons.
You can use your own textbook or online articles.
The list is endless.
But it's much easier with the Word of the Day because you get daily vocabulary and sample sentences to copy out.
You don't have to go looking for things to copy out.
So give it a try and let us know how it works out.
Thank you for watching this episode of Monthly Review.
Next time, we'll talk about input versus output and getting real results from your language studies.
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And if you're ready to finally learn language the fast, fun, and easy way and start speaking from your very first lesson, get our complete learning program.
Sign up for your free lifetime account right now.
Click the link in the description.
See you next time.

