Dialogue - Russian


Vocabulary (Review)

подготовиться padgatovitsa to prepare
переговоры peregavory negotiations
контракт kantrakt contract
просмотреть prasmatret` look through/over
переговорная комната peregavornaya komnata conference room, meeting room
как раз kak ras just, exactly
проверить praverit' to check, to examine
ответственно atvetstvenna responsible
вот бы vot by I wish, it would be a good thing (idea)
поставка pastafka delivery, supply

Lesson Notes


Lesson Focus

The Focus of this Lesson is Plural Nouns and Adjectives in the Prepositional Case
Наталья, завтра у нас в офисе будут проходить очень важные переговоры о новых поставках нашего оборудования.
"Natalia, tomorrow, some very important negotiations on new supplies of our equipment will be held in our office."

In this lesson, you will learn about the formation of plural nouns and adjectives in the prepositional case (another name, which can be seen in literature, is the locative case). Let's remember when the prepositional case is used. 

The prepositional case is used to denote the location of something or somebody or when we want to point out the place of action. The nouns expressing the place of location or action are put in the prepositional case.

The prepositional case is also used when we want to express our feeling or thoughts about someone or something. In this case, the object of our thoughts, conversation, speech, dreams, etc. should be put in the locative case. In other words, the prepositional case is used after the preposition "about" (о, об, обо), which is one of the favorite prepositions of this case, and with such verbs as:

думать - "to think"

говорить - "to say" 

рассказывать/рассказать - "to tell"

спрашивать/спросить - "to ask"

знать - "to know"

читать - "to read"

писать - "to write"

заботиться - "to care" 

волноваться - "to worry"

забывать -  "to forget"

мечтать - "to dream"

сообщать - "to inform"

Let's take a look at the formation of plural nouns in the prepositional case.  

It's really very easy, since plural nouns put in the prepositional case can have one of four possible endings: [-ах], [-ях], [-иях], [-ьях].


[-ах] Ending


The ending [-ах] has masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns, which, in the nominative case and the singular form, have the following endings:

Masculine nouns end in [consonant];

Feminine and masculine nouns end in [-а];

Neuter nouns end in [-o].

For example:


Nominative case singular nouns

Prepositional case singular nouns

Prepositional case plural nouns

English translation of nominative case singular nouns

экзамен, m




вопрос, m




полёт, m




картина  f




женщина, f




страна, f




окно, n




лекарство, n




кресло, n





* m - masculine

   f - feminine

   n -neuter


[-ях] Ending


The ending [-ях] has masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns, which, in the nominative case and the singular form, have the following endings:

Masculine nouns end in [-ь], [-й], or [я];

Feminine nouns end in [-я], [-ь].

Neuter nouns end in [-e].

For example:

Nominative case singular nouns

Prepositional case singular nouns

Prepositional case plural nouns

English translation of nominative case singular nouns

трамвай, m



"tram/street car"

чай, m




музей, m




песня, f




идея, f




статья, f




поле, n




платье, n




море, n





[-иях] Ending

The ending [-иях] has masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns, which, in the nominative case and the singular form, have the following endings:

Masculine nouns end in [-ий];

Feminine nouns end in [-ия];

Neuter nouns end in [-иe].

For example:


Nominative case singular nouns

Prepositional case singular nouns

Prepositional case plural nouns

English translation of nominative case singular nouns

планетарий, m




санаторий, m



"health resort"

история, f




станция, f




организация, f




собрание, n




занятие, n




решение, n





[-ьях] Ending


A small number of nouns have a [-ьях] ending. These are the nouns that have a [-ья] ending in the plural form in the nominative case.

For example:

Nominative case singular nouns

Prepositional case singular nouns

Prepositional case plural nouns

English translation of nominative case singular nouns

брат, m




муж, m




стул, m




дерево, n




друг, m




сын, m




перо, n




крыло, n





For example:

  1. Я мечтаю о полётах на другие планеты.
    "I dream about flights to other planets."
  2. На всех подоконниках в комнате стоят цветы.
    "There are flowers on all windowsills in the room."
  3. Я был во многих странах, но больше всего мне нравится отдыхать на Бали.
    "I have been to many countries, but most of all, I like to rest in Bali."
  4. Матери разговаривают о своих сыновьях.
    "Mothers are talking about their sons."
  5. Не забудь о своих занятиях по теннису на следующей неделе.
    "Do not forget about your tennis lessons next week."


As you know, all adjectives in Russian should agree with nouns in gender, number, and case. Therefore, if a noun is plural and in the prepositional case, the adjective should be also put in the plural form and the locative case. There are only two types of endings of the prepositional case for adjectives: [ых] and [их]. They don't depend on the gender of an adjective.

The rule is simple:

To form plural forms of adjectives of all genders in the prepositional case, please use the ending [-ых], except for in the following cases: if an adjective has a stem ending in a soft consonant or in [г], [к], [х], [ж], [ч], [ш], or [щ], the ending will be [-их].

Let's see some examples.


Nominative case of singular adjective

Prepositional case of singular adjectives

Prepositional case of plural adjectives

English translation of nominative case adjectives

весенний, m

весеннем, m, n

весенней, f

весенних m, f, n


ранний, m

раннем, m, n

ранней, f

ранних m, f, n


весёлый, m

весёлом, m, n

весёлой, f

весёлых m, f, n


красивый, m

красивом, m, n

красивой, f

красивых m, f, n


хороший, m

хорошем, m, n

хорошей, f

хороших m, f, n


рабочий, m

рабочем, m, n

рабочей, f

рабочих m, f, n


жаркий, m

жарком, m, n

жаркой, f

жарких m, f, n


плохой, m

плохом, m, n

плохой, f

плохих m, f, n



For example:

  1. В этой компании на рабочих столах стоят компьютеры.
    "There are computers on the desktops in this company."
  2. В очень дорогих ресторанах завтракают только очень богатые люди.
    "Only very rich people have breakfast in very expensive restaurants."
  3. Я видел в последних новостях информацию об этом инциденте.
    "I saw the information about this incident in the latest news."

Key Vocabulary & Phrases

как раз

The first key word for this lesson is the adverb как раз, which can be translated as "just" or "exactly."  This adverb has several usages.

We use the adverb как раз when we want to express that clothes or shoes, etc., are exactly the size we need. In other words, something fits our body size.

For example:

  1. Эти ботинки мне как раз.
    "These boots are exactly my size."
  2. Как тебе это платье? Как размер? Большой?
    Нет, как раз.
    "What do you think about this dress? How's the size? Large?"
    "No, exactly what I need."
  3. Эти штаны велики, эти малы, а вон те как раз.
    "These pants are big, these are small, and those are just what I need."

The second meaning is "very recently, in the immediate past."

For example:

  1. Я как раз о тебе вспоминал.
    "I was just thinking about you."
  2. Как раз сегодня я встретил его в супермаркете.
    "Just today, I met him in the supermarket."
  3. Ты не знаешь, как там наши одногруппники? Давно всех не видел..
    Ой, я как раз вчера случайно встретил Антона. Он женился и у него дочка.
    "Do you know how our classmates are there? I haven't seen them for a long time..."
    "Oh, I just yesterday met Anton by chance. He is married and has a daughter."

The third meaning is "at the right moment or place," or that something is exactly what we need. It can be translated into English as "exactly" or "right now."

For example:

  1. Это как раз то, что мне нужно.
    "This is exactly what I need."
  2. Ваня, ты уже закончил свою работу?
    Вот как раз заканчиваю. Еще 10 минут.
    "Vanya, have you already finished your job?"
    "I'm finishing right now. Just ten minutes."
  3. Ты как раз вовремя. Я  только что приготовила ужин.
    "You're just in time—I've just finished cooking dinner."


вот бы

The second key word for this lesson is the expression вот бы, which can be translated as "I wish" or "it would be a good thing (idea)." This expression is used when we want to express our desire or hope. Because вот бы is used to denote a wish, the past tense is not used after the above-mentioned expression.

For example:

  1. Вот бы поехать на Мальдивы!
    "I wish I could go to the Maldives."
  2. Что тебе подарил муж на 8 марта?
    Кольцо с рубином.
    Вот бы мне такой подарок! Мой вообще забыл об этом празднике.
    "What did your husband give on the eighth of March?"
    "A ring with a ruby."
    "I wish I had such a gift! My husband forgot about this holiday completely."
  3. Вот бы все дети на земле были здоровыми!
    "I wish all children in the world were healthy."

Cultural Insights

Russian Work Mentality

Russian people tend to have a creative approach to question solving, showing great ingenuity and wit. Russians love freedom in work—they like to make their own decisions. That's why one can notice that Russians don't like to follow necessary rules and regulations. Russian will always try to go beyond the rules and do everything in their own way. Unlike people from other nations, Russians hate unvaried and monotonous work—it makes them feel anguish and depression, which, not uncommonly, can be a reason for low-quality work by Russian people.



Lesson Transcript

Yuriy: Hello everyone! I’m Yuriy, and welcome to RussianPod101.com. This is Lower Intermediate, Season 2 Lesson 1 - How Good Are You at Your Russian Job?
Elena: Привет, меня зовут Елена. В этих уроках вы узнаете много нового о русском языке и русcкой культуре.
Yuriy: You will learn a lot of new grammar and idiomatic expressions that you can use in daily life.
Elena: Уроки включают в себя как ситуации из ежедневного общения, так и диалоги в официальном стиле.
Yuriy: In this lesson, you'll learn about plural nouns and adjectives in the prepositional case.
Elena: The conversation takes place at the office.
Yuriy: The speakers are in a business relationship, so they’ll be using formal Russian. Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Иван Петрович: Наталья, завтра у нас в офисе будут проходить очень важные переговоры о новых поставках нашего оборудования. Вы подготовили все необходимые материалы? Контракты готовы?
Наталья: Бизнес-предложение готово, а контракты как раз сейчас у нашего юриста. Он хочет просмотреть их еще раз.
Иван Петрович: Хорошо. Проверьте, чтоб на столе в переговорной комнате лежали ручки и блокноты.
Наталья: Хорошо.
Иван Петрович: И ещё, у нас будет презентация, поэтому проверьте проектор.
Наталья: Хорошо, я проверю. Я заказала апельсиновый сок для всех участников..
Иван Петрович: Отлично! Я как раз хотел вас об этом попросить. Вот бы все так ответственно относились к своей работе, как вы!
Yuriy: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Иван Петрович: Наталья, завтра у нас в офисе будут проходить очень важные переговоры о новых поставках нашего оборудования. Вы подготовили все необходимые материалы? Контракты готовы?
Yuriy: Natalia, tomorrow very important negotiations on new supplies of our equipment will be held in our office. Have you prepared all the necessary materials? Are the contracts ready?
Наталья: Бизнес-предложение готово, а контракты как раз сейчас у нашего юриста. Он хочет просмотреть их еще раз.
Yuriy: The business proposal is ready and the contracts are at our lawyer's right now. He wants to look through them again.
Иван Петрович: Хорошо. Проверьте, чтоб на столе в переговорной комнате лежали ручки и блокноты.
Yuriy: Good. Check that there will be pens and notebooks on the table in the meeting room.
Наталья: Хорошо.
Yuriy: Ok.
Иван Петрович: И ещё, у нас будет презентация, поэтому проверьте проектор.
Yuriy: And one more thing, we will have a presentation, so check the projector.
Наталья: Хорошо, я проверю. Я заказала апельсиновый сок для всех участников..
Yuriy: Okay, I'll check. I ordered orange juice for all participants...
Иван Петрович: Отлично! Я как раз хотел вас об этом попросить. Вот бы все так ответственно относились к своей работе, как вы!
Yuriy: Excellent! I was just about to ask you about it. I wish everyone could treat their job so responsibly like you!
Yuriy: Elena, I have a Russian friend who always complains that his work is monotonous. In many countries, a stable job that isn’t too difficult is a good thing. Is it not the same for Russian people?
Elena: Well, I think not. Russians, by nature, like jobs where they can apply their creativity and wit, where they'll be able to make their own decisions. I guess monotonous work makes them feel kind of depressed rather than satisfied from a stable life.
Yuriy: I see. So would you say it’s hard for Russian workers to follow rules and regulations?
Elena: Of course they’ll do their best to follow the rules for work but unconsciously, they might try break the rules and do everything their own way.
Yuriy: That's interesting. But for now, let’s move on to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Yuriy: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Elena: переговоры [natural native speed]
Yuriy: negotiations
Elena: переговоры [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena: переговоры [natural native speed]
: Next:
Elena: подготовиться [natural native speed]
Yuriy: to prepare
Elena: подготовиться [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena: подготовиться [natural native speed]
: Next:
Elena: контракт [natural native speed]
Yuriy: contract
Elena: контракт [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena: контракт [natural native speed]
: Next:
Elena: просмотреть [natural native speed]
Yuriy: look through/over
Elena: просмотреть [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena: просмотреть [natural native speed]
: Next:
Elena: переговорная комната [natural native speed]
Yuriy: conference room, meeting room
Elena: переговорная комната [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena: переговорная комната [natural native speed]
: Next:
Elena: как раз [natural native speed]
Yuriy: just, exactly
Elena: как раз [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena: как раз [natural native speed]
: Next:
Elena: проверить [natural native speed]
Yuriy: to check, to examine
Elena: проверить [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena: проверить [natural native speed]
: Next:
Elena: ответственно [natural native speed]
Yuriy: responsible
Elena: ответственно [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena: ответственно [natural native speed]
: Next:
Elena: вот бы [natural native speed]
Yuriy: I wish, it would be a good thing (idea)
Elena: вот бы [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena: вот бы [natural native speed]
: And Last:
Elena: поставка [natural native speed]
Yuriy: delivery, supply
Elena: поставка [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena: поставка [natural native speed]
Yuriy: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first key word for this lesson is the adverb...
Elena: “как раз”, which can be translated as “just” or “exactly”.
Yuriy: This adverb has several usages. You use the adverb “как раз” when you want to express that clothes or shoes are exactly the size you need.
Elena: In other words, something fits you.
Yuriy: Can you give us an example, Elena?
Elena: Эти ботинки мне как раз.
Yuriy: These boots are just my size.
Elena: Эти штаны велики, эти малы, а вон те как раз.
Yuriy: “These pants are big, these are small, and those are just want I need.” The next meaning of this word is, "at the right moment or place," or something is exactly what we need. It can be translated into English as “exactly”, “right now”. For example...
Elena: Это как раз то, что мне нужно.
Yuriy: “This is exactly what I need.”
Elena: Ты как раз вовремя. Я только что приготовила ужин.
Yuriy: “You're just in time, I've just finished cooking dinner.” Okay! And what is the last key vocab for this lesson?
Elena: It's the expression “вот бы”, which can be translated as “I wish” or “it would be a good thing”.
Yuriy: You use this expression when you want to express your desire or hope. For example...
Elena: Вот бы поехать на Мальдивы!
Yuriy: I wish I could go to the Maldives.
Elena: Вот бы все дети на земле были здоровыми!
Yuriy: “I wish all children in the world were healthy.” Okay, great job! Now, onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Yuriy: In this lesson, you’ll learn about the formation of plural nouns and adjectives in the Prepositional case.
Elena: Plural nouns put in the Prepositional case can have the following endings - [-ах], [-ях], [-иях] and [-ьях]. The ending [-ах] has masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns, which in the Nominative case singular form has the following endings...
Yuriy: Masculine nouns with a stem ending in a [consonant];
Feminine and masculine nouns ending in [-а];
Neuter nouns ending in [-o];
Hmm, this seems a bit complicated. Can you give us an example, Elena?
Elena: Lets take the noun “экзамен” which means "exam." This is a masculine noun ending in a consonant. All we need to do is to add the ending [-ах]. So экзамен becomes экзаменах.
Yuriy: Another example, please?
Elena: картина meaning "picture," which is a feminine noun, will become картинах. Here, we replaced the ending [а] with [-ах].
Yuriy: And now an example with neuter nouns.
Elena: лекарство meaning “medicine” will become лекарствах. Just replace [o] with [ах].
Yuriy: The ending [-ях] has masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns, which in the Nominative case singular form have the following endings...
Elena: Masculine nouns ending in [-ь], [-й] or [-я];
Feminine nouns ending in [-я] or [-ь];
Neuter nouns ending in [-e]
Yuriy: For example.
Elena: идея meaning "idea" will become идеях. Море meaning "sea" will become морях and трамвай meaning "street car," will become трамваях.
Yuriy: Great! The ending [-иях] has masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns which in the Nominative case have the following endings...
Elena: Masculine nouns ending in [-ий];
Feminine nouns ending in [-ия];
Neuter nouns ending in [-иe].
Yuriy: For example...
Elena: история meaning "story," will become - историях. санаторий meaning "health resort" will be санаториях.
Yuriy: Listeners, please note that a few nouns have a [-ьях] ending. You can take a look at these in the lesson notes. Now, let's move on to adjectives. The plural adjectives in the Prepositional case have the endings...
Elena: [-ых] and [-их].
Yuriy: To form plural forms of adjectives in Prepositional case, you use the ending [-ых].
Elena: весёлый meaning “cheerful” becomes весёлых; умный meaning “clever” becomes умных
Yuriy: As you can see, we just replace the endings of the Nominative case with the ending [-ых] .
Elena: That’s right. Let's take the word “жаркий” meaning “hot”. The ending is [ий] жарк - ий, жаркий. The plural prepositional is жарк -их, жарких.
Yuriy: However, if an adjective has a stem ending in a soft consonant or [г], [к], [х], [ж], [ч], [ш], or [щ], the ending will be [-их]. For example...
Elena: Рабочий meaning "working," becomes рабочих. The adjective “рабочий” has a stem ending in [-ч] , рабоч, so that's why we use the ending [-их] instead of [-ых]. Ранний meaning "early" becomes ранних. весенний meaning "spring" becomes весенних.
Yuriy: Listeners, for more information and explanations of this lesson, please check the lesson notes. And if you have any questions or comment, leave us a message at RussianPod101.com.
Elena: We’re here to help!


Yuriy: Well, that’s all for this lesson. We hope you enjoyed it!
Elena: In the next lesson, you’ll learn a lot of new words and expressions.
Yuriy: Thanks for listening everyone! See you next time! До скорой встречи!
Elena: Пока -пока
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