Welcome to Can-Do Russian by RussianPod101.com. |
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to order at a restaurant in Russian. |
For example, "Excuse me, porridge, please." is |
Извините. Кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Kashu, pozhaluysta.) |
Miroslav Maslov , is at a restaurant with his wife. |
He orders porridge. |
Before you hear the conversation, let's preview some of its key components. |
каша (kasha) |
"porridge" |
каша |
каша |
сейчас (seychas) |
"right away" |
сейчас |
сейчас |
Let's listen to the conversation. |
Извините. Кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Kashu, pozhaluysta.) |
Да, сейчас. (Da, seychas.) |
Once more with the English translation. |
Извините. Кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Kashu, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, porridge, please." |
Да, сейчас. (Da, seychas.) |
"Yes, right away." |
Let's break down the conversation. |
Do you remember how Miroslav asks, |
"Excuse me, porridge, please." |
Извините. Кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Kashu, pozhaluysta.) |
First is извините (izvinite), meaning, "Excuse me." Извините . Извините. |
Here, Miroslav is using the expression to get the waiter’s attention. He uses the formal form since he's referring to someone he doesn't know. |
Note, this expression can also be used as a mild apology, but here Miroslav uses it to get the attention of the waiter who is nearby. |
Next is кашу (kashu), "porridge." Кашу . Кашу. |
Кашу (Kashu) is from the feminine noun каша (kasha), "porridge." Here кашу is the object of the action, so the final -a has been replaced with -у. Кашу. |
The grammatical term here is the accusative case. |
Last is пожалуйста (pozhaluysta), "please." Пожалуйста . Пожалуйста. |
All together, it’s Извините. Кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Kashu, pozhaluysta.) "Excuse me, porridge, please." |
Извините. Кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Kashu, pozhaluysta.) |
The question can be considered as a shortened form of Извините. Дайте мне кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Dayte mne kashu, pozhaluysta), "Excuse me, give me porridge, please." where дайте мне (dayte mne), "give me" is omitted. |
Let’s take a closer look at the response. |
Do you remember the waiter’s response, |
"Yes, right away." |
Да, сейчас. (Da, seychas.) |
First is the expression Да (Da), "yes." Да . Да. |
The waiter acknowledges Miroslav by saying, Да (Da). |
Next is сейчас (seychas), literally, "now," but it translates as "right away." Сейчас . Сейчас. |
All together, it’s Да, сейчас. (Da, seychas.), literally, "Yes, now," but it translates as "Yes, right away." |
Да, сейчас. (Da, seychas.) |
The pattern is |
Извините. ITEM, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. ITEM, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, ITEM, please." |
Извините. ITEM, пожалуйста. |
To use this pattern, simply replace the ITEM placeholder with the object you are requesting. |
Note: This pattern requires a noun in the accusative case. |
Imagine you'd like to order a "fish," Рыба (Ryba). It’s feminine and singular. |
The accusative form of рыба (ryba) is рыбу (rybu). The final -а in рыба has been replaced with -у. Рыбу. Рыбу. |
Say |
"Excuse me, a fish, please." |
Ready? |
Извините. Рыбу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Rybu, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, a fish, please." |
Извините. Рыбу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Rybu, pozhaluysta.) |
In Russian, the accusative case is usually used to indicate that something is the object of an action (a direct object). |
The general rules for forming the accusative case of singular nouns are as follows. |
Feminine nouns mostly end in -a or -я. |
For nouns that end in -а, change it to -у; |
For example, Рыба (Ryba), "fish" becomes рыбу (rybu). |
For nouns that ends in -я, change it to -ю; |
Семья (Sem’ya), "family" becomes семью (sem’yu). |
For nouns that end in ь, no change. |
Любовь (Lyubov’), "love" stays любовь. |
There are two groups of masculine nouns: animate or inanimate. |
For animate nouns that end in a consonant, add -а. |
For example, омар (omar), "lobster" becomes омарa (omara) in the accusative. |
For animate nouns that end in й and -ь, change it to -я; |
Учитель (Uchitel’), "teacher" becomes учителя (uchitelya) in the accusative. |
In the case of inanimate nouns, there is no change. |
Чек (Chek), "check" is also чек in the accusative. |
Neuter nouns remain unchanged. |
For example, Меню (Menyu), "menu" is also меню in the accusative. |
Again, the key pattern is |
Извините. ITEM, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. ITEM, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, ITEM, please." |
Извините. ITEM, пожалуйста. |
Let's look at some examples. |
Listen and repeat or speak along with the native speakers. |
Извините. Кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Kashu, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, porridge, please." |
Извините. Кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Kashu, pozhaluysta.) |
Извините. Рыбу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Rybu, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, a fish, please." |
Извините. Рыбу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Rybu, pozhaluysta.) |
Извините. Меню, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Menyu, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, the menu, please." |
Извините. Меню, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Menyu, pozhaluysta.) |
Извините. Чек, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Chek, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, the check, please." |
Извините. Чек, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Chek, pozhaluysta.) |
Извините. Омара, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Omara, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, a lobster, please." |
Извините. Омара, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Omara, pozhaluysta.) |
Извините. Это, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Eto, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, this, please." |
Извините. Это, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Eto, pozhaluysta.) |
Did you notice how the native speaker replaced a noun with the demonstrative pronoun это (eto), "this?" |
Извините. Это, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Eto, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, this, please." |
When referring to something that is located near you, and you don’t know its name, you can point to it and say |
Извините. Это, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Eto, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, this, please." |
You should be aware of this shortcut, but for this lesson, we’ll use the pattern |
Извините. ITEM, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. ITEM, pozhaluysta.) |
"Excuse me, ITEM, please." |
Извините. ITEM, пожалуйста. |
Let’s review the new words. |
каша (kasha) |
"porridge" |
каша |
каша |
рыба (ryba) |
"fish" |
рыба |
рыба |
меню (menyu) |
"menu" |
меню |
меню |
чек (chek) |
"check" |
чек |
чек |
омар (omar) |
"lobster" |
омар |
омар |
это (eto) |
"this" |
это |
это |
Let's review. |
Respond to the prompts by speaking aloud. Then repeat after the native speaker, focusing on pronunciation. |
Ready? |
Do you remember how to say "please?" |
пожалуйста (pozhaluysta) |
пожалуйста (pozhaluysta) |
And how to say "porridge" when it is the object of an action? |
кашу (kashu) |
кашу (kashu) |
Do you remember how Miroslav Maslov asks, |
"Excuse me, porridge, please." |
Извините. Кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Kashu, pozhaluysta.) |
Извините. Кашу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Kashu, pozhaluysta.) |
Do you remember how to say "right away?" |
сейчас (seychas) |
сейчас (seychas) |
And how to say "yes?" |
да (da) |
да (da) |
Do you remember how the waiter, says, |
"Yes, right away." |
Да, сейчас. (Da, seychas.) |
Да, сейчас. (Da, seychas.) |
Do you remember how to say "fish" when it’s the object of an action? |
рыбу (rybu) |
рыбу (rybu) |
And how to say "this?" |
это (eto) |
это (eto) |
Do you remember how to say "check" when it’s the object of an action? |
чек (chek) |
чек (chek) |
Let's practice. |
Imagine you're Milena , and you’re at a restaurant. Ask for "fish," or рыбу (rybu). |
Ready? |
Извините. Рыбу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Rybu, pozhaluysta.) |
Да, сейчас. (Da, seychas.) |
Listen again and repeat. |
Извините. Рыбу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Rybu, pozhaluysta.) |
Извините. Рыбу, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Rybu, pozhaluysta.) |
Let's try another. |
Now, get the waiter’s attention, and ask for "this," or это (eto). |
Ready? |
Извините. Это, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Eto, pozhaluysta.) |
Да, сейчас. (Da, seychas.) |
Listen again and repeat. |
Извините. Это, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Eto, pozhaluysta.) |
Извините. Это, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Eto, pozhaluysta.) |
Let’s try one more. |
Imagine you're Miroslav Maslov , and you’d like the check, or чек (chek). |
Ready? |
Извините. Чек, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Chek, pozhaluysta.) |
Да, сейчас. (Da, seychas.) |
Listen again and repeat. |
Извините. Чек, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Chek, pozhaluysta.) |
Извините. Чек, пожалуйста. (Izvinite. Chek, pozhaluysta.) |
In this lesson, you learned how to order at a restaurant in Russian, an essential skill for dining at a restaurant. |
Well done! This is the end of this lesson. |
Remember, these Can Do lessons are about learning practical language skills. |
What's next? |
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You can take it again and again, so try anytime you like. |
Our teachers will assess it, and give you your results. |
Keep practicing — and move on to the next lesson! |