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Yura: Привет всем, с Вами – RussianPod101.com, я – Yura.
Svetlana: А я – B, здравствуйте, welcome to the Intermediate Russian lesson 16, Have a Russian Barbecue. I’m Svetlana.
Yura: In this lesson, we will learn the verbs of motion in Russian, to help us plan to go to a barbecue.
Svetlana: the conversation is on the phone…
Yura: and it is between Yura and Natasha…
Svetlana: The speakers are friends so they will use informal Russian.
Yura: all right, let’s listen to the conversation.
Наташа В воскресенье мы едем на шашлыки, поедешь с нами?
Юра С удовольствием! А что мне нужно с собой взять?
Наташа Я привезу маринованое мясо и шампуры, Лена и Витя привезут овощи, закуски и уголь, а ты можешь взять на себя напитки.
Юра Хорошо. А куда мы поедем?
Наташа За город. Примерно час езды от Москвы.
Юра Здорово. А во-сколько?
Наташа Давай встретимся у метро в 8 утра.
Yura: Let’s listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Наташа В воскресенье мы едем на шашлыки, поедешь с нами?
Юра С удовольствием! А что мне нужно с собой взять?
Наташа Я привезу маринованое мясо и шампуры, Лена и Витя привезут овощи, закуски и уголь, а ты можешь взять на себя напитки.
Юра Хорошо. А куда мы поедем?
Наташа За город. Примерно час езды от Москвы.
Юра Здорово. А во-сколько?
Наташа Давай встретимся у метро в 8 утра.
Yura: Let’s listen to the conversation with English translation.
Наташа В воскресенье мы едем на шашлыки, поедешь с нами?
Yura: On Sunday we're going out for barbecue, will you go with us?
Юра С удовольствием! А что мне нужно с собой взять?
Yura: With pleasure! What do I need to bring with me?
Наташа Я привезу маринованое мясо и шампуры, Лена и Витя привезут овощи, закуски и уголь, а ты можешь взять на себя напитки.
Yura: I'll bring marinated meats and skewers, Lena and Victor will bring vegetables, snacks and charcoal, and you can take care of the drinks.
Юра Хорошо. А куда мы поедем?
Yura: Ok. And where are we going?
Наташа За город. Примерно час езды от Москвы.
Yura: Out of town. About an hour drive from Moscow.
Юра Здорово. А во-сколько?
Yura: Cool. And, what time?
Наташа Давай встретимся у метро в 8 утра.
Yura: Let's meet by the subway at 8 am.
Yura: All right, so they are going for barbecue to some place near Moscow
Svetlana: Yes, many people like to have barbecues near the water, so lakes or rivers, especially in the summers.
Yura: because you can swim and tan?
Svetlana: and keep your beer cool in the river’s water!
Yura: seems like you have rich experience of barbecuing.
Svetlana: haha, you could say that.
Yura: and Yura and Natasha are taking a lot of stuff with them!
Svetlana: well, of course...there is meat, skewers, coal, snacks, drinks, salads – you name it. Shashlyki is a great tradition brought to us from the Caucasus region and it is a real feast for a couple of days over there.
Yura: wow, I didn’t know that. Well, shall we start with our vocabulary?
Svetlana: sounds good to me.
Yura: The first word we shall see is...
Svetlana: Шашлык [natural native speed]
Yura: barbecue
Svetlana: Шашлык [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: Шашлык [natural native speed]
Yura: Next is
Svetlana: Удовольствие [natural native speed]
Yura: pleasure
Svetlana: Удовольствие [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: Удовольствие [natural native speed]
Yura: Next is
Svetlana: взять [natural native speed]
Yura: take
Svetlana: взять [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: взять [natural native speed]
Yura: Next is
Svetlana: Маринованный [natural native speed]
Yura: marinated
Svetlana: Маринованный [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: Маринованный [natural native speed]
Yura: Next is
Svetlana: Шампур [natural native speed]
Yura: skewer
Svetlana: Шампур [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: Шампур [natural native speed]
Yura: Next is
Svetlana: Привезти [natural native speed]
Yura: bring (by transport)
Svetlana: Привезти [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: Привезти [natural native speed]
Yura: Next is
Svetlana: закуска [natural native speed]
Yura: snack
Svetlana: закуска [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: закуска [natural native speed]
Yura: Next is
Svetlana: Уголь [natural native speed]
Yura: coal
Svetlana: Уголь [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: Уголь [natural native speed]
Yura: Next is
Svetlana: Напиток [natural native speed]
Yura: drink
Svetlana: Напиток [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: Напиток [natural native speed]
Yura: Last is
Svetlana: Поехать [natural native speed]
Yura: go, take
Svetlana: Поехать [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: Поехать [natural native speed]
Yura: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Svetlana: The first word is шашлык-barbecue. Usually we use it in plural- шашлыки. For example, мы поедем на шашлыки.
Yura: We will go to the barbecue. Good idea!
Svetlana: yes, barbecue is very popular in Russia, in all seasons.
Yura: I see, I like the next word too-pleasure
Svetlana: удовольствие . The most common phrase is “with pleasure” “с удовольствием” .The next word which is Взять.This perfective verb means “to take something with someone”.
Yura: For example, I brought some sandwiches to the picnic.
Svetlana: Я взяла несколько бутербродов на пикник.
Yura: I see. Ok, what is the next word?
Svetlana: the next word is Привезти.This verb means to bring something or someone by some means of transport (not on foot or in the hands).
Yura: For example, My dad brought me a doll from France.
Svetlana: Папа привёз мне куклу из Франции.
Yura: ok, got it. What is the next word?
Svetlana: the next three words are essential to have a barbecue- закуска, уголь , напиток
Yura: snack, charcoal, a drink. I understand why закуска is important- you need to eat something while waiting for the meat to cook. What is your favourite snack?
Svetlana: моя любимая закуска- салат-оливье! Well, coal-уголь is important too- to be able to cook meat. Do you know the declensions?
Yura: let me see уголь, угля, углю, уголь, углём, угле.
Svetlana: nicely done, молодец! And the word напиток-a drink is important too because obviously we don’t just eat meat, we need something liquid for our digestion.
Yura: does it mean alcoholic drink?
Svetlana: depends, I would say no, we would refer to a soft drink with напиток. To say ‘alcoholic drink’ we would say-алкогольный напиток or just specify- wine, screwdriver etc.
Yura: And now, let’s move to grammar point.

Lesson focus

Yura: In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to learn about a very special group of verbs in Russian.
Svetlana: yes, In Russian there is a special structural and semantic group of verbs-verbs of motion. Verb of motion function with or without prefixes.
Yura: Let’s start with the Verbs of motion without prefixes:
Svetlana: Verbs of motion without prefixes always have imperfective aspect. They are divided into two big groups: Verbs with unidirectional motion and Verbs with Differently directed motion
Yura: I see. What are the examples of the verbs with unidirectional motion?
Svetlana: Идти go to (English; Yura) *on foot
Ехать go to *by transport
Нести take to, bring to *on foot
Везти take to *by transport
Yura: let’s make some sentences so it becomes clearer.
Svetlana: all right, Он идёт в школу.
Yura: He is going to school.
Svetlana: Она едет в больницу.
Yura: She is going to the hospital.
Svetlana: Они несут цветы. They are bringing flowers.
Yura: and I can do the last example- Мы везём мясо. We are bringing meat.
Svetlana: haha, the influence of our topic–barbecue.
Yura: yep, I like meat and I love having barbecues with my friends.
Svetlana: ok enough, let’s get back to our verbs!
Yura: ok, ok. So we have talked about the verbs with unidirectional motion but there are also the verbs with differently directed motion.
Svetlana: that’s correct, this means that the movement happens in different directions, to and from. For example, Ходить
Yura: go to and from* on foot
Svetlana: Ездить
Yura: go to and from * by transport
Svetlana: Носить
Yura: take to and bring back * on foot
Svetlana: and Возить
Yura: take to and bring back * by transport
Svetlana: let’s make a couple of sentences. Я хожу в школу каждый день.
Yura: I go to school every day.
Svetlana: Папа ездит на работу на автобусе.
Yura: Father goes to work by bus.
Svetlana: and of course there are verbs of motion with prefixes. As you might remember, many verbs with prefixes have the perfective aspect and this is true of the verbs of motion as well.
Yura: Verbs of motion with prefixes might have the perfective or the imperfective aspect.
Svetlana: right, but first, let’s look at the perfective aspect
Пойти go* on foot
Поехать go *by transport
Принести bring *in hands, on foot
Привезти* bring by transport
Svetlana: for example, Я пойду в кино. I will go to the movies.
Yura: Я поеду на шашлыки. I will go out to a barbecue.
Svetlana: you really like barbecues, don’t you?
Yura: (laughs) I told you!


Svetlana: Okay. that's all for this lesson.
Yura: Then see you next time everyone.
Svetlana: пока пока!

