
Lesson Transcript

Welcome to Can Do Russian by RussianPod101.com.
Привет всем! Я Катя Сост. (Privet vsem. Ya Katya Sost.)
Hi everyone! I’m Katya Sost.
In this lesson, you will learn how to introduce your family in Russian.
This is Ben Lee and he’s at a coffee shop with his friend Natalia Ivanova.
Ben is showing her some pictures. She points to one of them and asks,
"Is this your family?"
Это твоя семья? (Eto tvoya sem'ya?)
Listen to the conversation, and focus on the response.
Note: the speakers in this conversation use informal Russian.
Это твоя семья? (Eto tvoya sem'ya?)
Да. Это моя семья. Мой отец, моя мать, моя сестра и я. (Da. Eto moya sem'ya. Moy otets, moya mat', moya sestra i ya.)
Once more with the English translation.
Это твоя семья? (Eto tvoya sem'ya?)
"Is this your family?"
Да. Это моя семья. Мой отец, моя мать, моя сестра и я. (Da. Eto moya sem'ya. Moy otets, moya mat', moya sestra i ya.)
"Yes. This is my family. My father, my mother, my sister, and I."

