Welcome to Can Do Russian by RussianPod101.com. |
Привет всем! Я Катя Сост. (Privet vsem. Ya Katya Sost.) |
Hi everyone! I’m Katya Sost. |
In this lesson, you will learn how to introduce your family in Russian. |
This is Ben Lee and he’s at a coffee shop with his friend Natalia Ivanova. |
Ben is showing her some pictures. She points to one of them and asks, |
"Is this your family?" |
Это твоя семья? (Eto tvoya sem'ya?) |
Listen to the conversation, and focus on the response. |
Note: the speakers in this conversation use informal Russian. |
Ready? |
Это твоя семья? (Eto tvoya sem'ya?) |
Да. Это моя семья. Мой отец, моя мать, моя сестра и я. (Da. Eto moya sem'ya. Moy otets, moya mat', moya sestra i ya.) |
Once more with the English translation. |
Это твоя семья? (Eto tvoya sem'ya?) |
"Is this your family?" |
Да. Это моя семья. Мой отец, моя мать, моя сестра и я. (Da. Eto moya sem'ya. Moy otets, moya mat', moya sestra i ya.) |
"Yes. This is my family. My father, my mother, my sister, and I." |