Vocabulary (Review)

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Let's take a closer look at Mark's response.
Do you remember how Mark Lee introduces himself?
"Nice to meet you. My name is Mark Lee."
Приятно познакомиться. Меня зовут Марк Ли. (Priyatno poznakomit'sya. Menya zovut Mark Li.)
First is the expression Приятно познакомиться (Priyatno poznakomit'sya), meaning "Nice to meet you." Приятно познакомиться (Priyatno poznakomit'sya).
Let's start with приятно (priyatno), literally "pleasantly." Приятно. Приятно.
Next is познакомиться (poznakomit'sya), literally "to get acquainted." Познакомиться. Познакомиться.
Together, it's Приятно познакомиться (Priyatno poznakomit'sya), literally, "Pleasantly to get acquainted," but translates as "Nice to meet you." Приятно познакомиться (Priyatno poznakomit'sya).
This phrase can be used in many contexts and is appropriate for both formal and informal situations.
Do you remember how Mark says,
"My name is Mark Lee."
Меня зовут Марк Ли. (Menya zovut Mark Li.)
First is меня (menya), "me." Меня. Меня.
After this is зовут (zovut), meaning "[they] call." Зовут. Зовут.
Note, зовут (zovut) is the shortened form of они зовут (oni zovut), “they call.” In Russian они (oni), "they," is usually omitted.
Зовут (Zovut) is from the verb звать (zvat'), meaning "to call." звать (zvat').
Together it's меня зовут (menya zovut). Literally, "me [they] call," but it translates as "my name is." Меня зовут.
Next is the name, Марк Ли (Mark Li). "Mark Lee." Марк Ли. Марк Ли.
All together, it's Меня зовут Марк Ли (Menya zovut Mark Li). Literally, "Me [they] call Mark Lee," but it translates as "My name is Mark Lee."
Меня зовут Марк Ли. (Menya zovut Mark Li.)
The pattern is
Меня зовут NAME. (Menya zovut NAME.)
"My name is NAME."
Меня зовут NAME. (Menya zovut NAME.)
To use this pattern, simply replace the NAME placeholder with your given name or given name and surname.
Note: This pattern requires a proper noun.
Imagine you're Karen Lee. In Russian, Карен Ли (Karen Li). Карен Ли. Карен Ли.
"My name is Karen Lee."
Меня зовут Карен Ли. (Menya zovut Karen Li.)
"My name is Karen Lee."
Меня зовут Карен Ли. (Menya zovut Karen Li.)

