Does anyone know why there hasn't been any new "real" lessons posted since July 7th? Survival Phrases are great, and the video lessons are enjoyable, but where are the actual lessons? I'm having withdrawls big-time!
Last thing I heard was Anna was on vacation in Russia. Oksana and Eric did one lesson together and then that was it. I'm going through withdrawal too! The survival phrases and videos are nice, but they don't take the place of a full-blown lesson. Please get Eric and Anna back as soon as possible!
That's what I thought they said in the last lesson. However, I thought Eric said Oksana was going to fill in for Anna while she was gone, but one lesson in almost 2 months isn't exactly my idea of "filling in". I really hope they get some new lessons posted soon.
Yes the videos are great but you need continuation to learn a language. Hurry up and bring back the lessons along with the Survival Phrases series and videos!
Thanks for all you enthusiasm and kind comments.
We are glad you are enjoying the Video and Survival Lessons.
Regarding New lessons... As you know some of our staff is on holidays...
We are currently working hard to write and record new lessons.
The latest lesson (news...) mentioned a new host named Eddie. Will he be replacing Eric permanently, or is all this temporary while everyone's on vacation? Also, will Anna be returning, or will Oxanna be her permanent replacement?