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Latin phrase in russian

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Latin phrase in russian

Postby etien.lemut3_51644 » April 13th, 2018 8:25 pm

Do you know how the translation would be in russian for the latin phrase "Nemo propheta in patria sua."

In english it would be: "No one is considered a prophet in his homeland."

How about in russian language?

New in Town
Posts: 5
Joined: May 21st, 2018 6:46 am

Re: Latin phrase in russian

Postby bredd » May 21st, 2018 7:05 am

Hi, I think you can get help through the online translator by the way I get this phrase in Russian lang Нет пророка в своем отечестве. The Most of students used to have writing troubles because they are not getting used to writing. Essays, research papers, term papers and dissertation writing can generate a lot of troubles in students’ life. For more writing service you can visit here You can find many the best essay writing services online and they can help you with writing tasks which will eventually let you get away from your writing troubles.
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