Hello, I would like to thank the team at Russian Pod 101 for the wonderful lessons. I was able to get along in Ukraine while speaking my beginning russian, and along the way managed to pick up some Ukrainian also. Indeed it is true most Ukrainians speak Russian, however, in West Ukraine it is nearly all Ukrainian.
In two weeks, I will be returning to Ukraine to live, forever!! Without Russian Pod 101 I would not have been able to set up my bank accounts, secure an apartment, and most importantly speak with my Ukrainian girlfriend (soon to be my wife) and spend much time with her parents who are Ukrainian but lived under Soviet rule for their entire lives. The parents were thrilled that I had made the effort to learn Russian. And to be honest, it was the Russian that won over everyone. But now it appears I have another language to learn Ukrainian! YAY!!
The lessons in Pod 101 are of GREAT VALUE, and I would recommend them to anyone. Thankfully I took a Premium Account and saved every single download in my Mac and my iPhone, it think it was worth every single penny and even though I may not need it, I will renew for another year of Premium in April.
I can not name a favorite part of Russian Pod 101, as each section, Noob, Beginner, Advanced and Survival Phrases were all equally helpful!!