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Audio and Video Lessons!

Learn Russian with the NEW My Flashcards

Premium Members, your Premium Account just got a whole lot more powerful! My Flashcards now allows you to study the Russian words you want by importing lists from audio and video lessons, your My WordBank and the Russian Core Word Lists 2000. Here's a quick rundown of the new features: My Flashcards Dashboard: My Flashcards have a brand new interface. Import words from any audio and video lesson, My WordBank and the Core Word Lists. Create, edit and delete as many decks as you want! Create a New Deck: How you want to study is completely up to you! You control what displays on the front and back of cards. Create new decks out of the existing words in My Flashcards. Simple pick the words, name your deck and you're ready to study. ... Show more

NEW! My Word Bank Enhancements

Have you used your Word Bank lately? Inspired by your emails, requests and suggestions, we upgraded the My Word Bank feature to make it even easier for you to study vocabulary on! My Word Bank is a Premium feature that allows you to add vocabulary words from our lessons and word dictionary to a personalized central list for you to study from. Create online flashcards and hear native audio pronunciation with every entry. With the new My Word Bank features, you can organize, sort, export, and completely manage all of your vocabulary. Here is a complete rundown of the new features: 1. Group Words Into Lists – You wanted lists? You got it! Now you can organize your words with lists and labels. Create, edit and delete... Show more

Happy Holidays from RussianPod101!

Our annual Reverse Christmas countdown begins today with the biggest savings of the year! Save 50% off any Basic or Premium subscription until midnight EST tonight with our Secret Santa Holiday Countdown Tomorrow, the daily deal drops below 50% OFF, so upgrade to Basic or Premium right now. Just click the link below: Half off RussianPod101 until midnight EST? Sign me up right now! Everyday until Christmas, we’re offering a daily deal on our Basic and Premium subscriptions. Act early and save more. It’s as easy as that! We can’t tell you what tomorrow’s deal will be, but we can tell you that it won’t be as good as today’s. New seasons of begin on January 3rd, so there’s no better time than now to upgrade to Basic... Show more

June 2010 Newsletter

In this month's newsletter: Study Tips from Peter - THINK in another language Hey Listeners, Peter here. Starting this month I'll be sharing tips on learning languages to help keep you motivated and progressing. This month I'll teach you how to THINK in another language. It's not nearly as difficult as it sounds so don't give up right away; try out ...  Read More >> Ultimate Getting Started with Russian Sale! If you've been waiting for the ULTIMATE way to learn Russian, you must click here to get 50% OFF our secret weapon. Read More >> Day of the Adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation Say that 3 times fast! The name is long for a reason so click on through and find out... Show more

Five Tips To Avoid Common Mistakes

The Focus of This Lesson is Tips to Help Russian Students Overcome Common Errors Tip 1: Learn Your Cases There are no cases in English. That means that nouns and adjectives always stay the same no matter what their function and position in the sentence is. It's different in Russian. The endings of nouns and adjectives change depending on their function. Of course, it's possible for a native speaker to understand someone who speaks like this but... It can be irritating because you are slaughtering their language It can be totally confusing! Tip 2: Watch Your Word Stress! Like in English, word stress is extremely important. In Russian, you don't say all the syllables of the word with the same... Show more

May 2010 Newsletter

Moms, Dads and Grads 15% Off Basic & Premium Subscriptions Coupon Code: MAY2JUNE | Redeem Now! May 2010 In this month's newsletter: 1. 5 New Innovative Language Sites are coming! What new languages will we be adding to the family?Click here to find out... 2. V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! Why does Russia celebrate Victory Day a day later than their WWII Allies? Click here to read on...  3. BONUS Russian Audio Lesson!  We're back with another free audio lesson just for you! Click here to download and listen... Welcome to the newsletter. We've been really busy gearing up for summer and Innovative Language Learning has a lot of news to share! Stay posted throughout the summer! These periodic newsletters... Show more

Russian Grammar is Easy!

This blogpost is a brief overview of different tenses and articles found in Russian language. Tenses The Present In English, you use a different tense in the present depending on whether it's an action that happens regularly or it's happening now. In Russian, you use just one tense in the present, no matter whether the action happens regularly or is happening now. The Past The past form of regular verbs in English end in -ed. You have to learn irregular verbs individually. In English, there are many irregular verbs. Guess what? In Russian, there are hardly any irregular verbs in the past tense! If the subject is masculine, the ending is -л: Он видел фильм. "He saw the film." If... Show more

Introduction to Russian and Top 5 Reasons to Study

This Lesson Focuses on the history of the Russian languages and the top 5 reasons to study! Russia is the largest country in the world with a population of over 140 million people. It spans eleven time zones and contains the largest forest reserves in the world as well as a quarter of the earth's fresh water within its lakes. The Russianlanguage has recieved numerous influences throughout history, including influences from Polish, German, and even Slavic. A lot of academic and intellectual vocabulary was used from languages such as Dutch, French, German, and even Latin. So by learning Russian, you get a sense of history, and the better you know it, the more familiarities you'll pick up from other languages too. ... Show more

April 2010 Newsletter

1. 101 Million Downloads Reached!  On April 12th, and Innovative Language Learning reached 101 million lesson downloads! Thanks to all the listeners for supporting us! The winners from our 101 Million Download contest have been picked and posted. Click here to see if you're a winner! 2. Easter Feasts! Forget about roast lamb. Russians take a more simple approach to Easter Sunday. Click here to learn about Easter in Russia... 3. BONUS Russian Audio Lesson!  We're back with another free audio lesson just for you! We're going green with this month's theme. Click here to download and listen... Welcome to the newsletter. Spring is here and the warm weather has been inspiring us with... Show more

Touchdown! 101,000,000 Lessons Downloaded

A BIG Thank you to all our listeners. 101 Lifetime Premium Subscriptions winners have been selected. Did you win? If you entered to win on our site, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, please check the winners lists here. Second Prize - EVERYONE GETS a second prize - Double Your Subscription for ONLY 101 pennies! This is a Very limited offer though. Please click here to see if it is still available for you.