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Archive for the 'Word of the Day' Category

Russian Word of the Day – snack (noun)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!закуска (zakuska) snack (noun)Я набрала вес постоянно кушая снеки. Yа nabrala ves postoyanno kushaya sneki.I gained weight by always eating snacks.Фрукты представляют собой отличный перекус во второй половине дня.Frukty predstavlyayut soboy otlichnyy perekus vo vtoroy polovine dnya.Fruit makes a great snack in the afternoon.Не ешь слишком много снеков.Ne yesh' slishkom mnogo snekov.Don't eat too many snacks.перекусыватьperekusyvat'eat a snackночной перекусnochnoy perekusmidnight snackпопкорнpopkornpopcorn snackдневной перекусdnevnoy perekusafternoon snackOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with... Show more

Russian Word of the Day – calendar (noun)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!календарь (kalendar') calendar (noun)календарный деньkalendarnyy den'day calendarодин календарный годodin kalendarnyy godone calendar yearкалендарный месяцkalendarnyy mesyatscalendar monthOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Russian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Russian Word of the Day – surf the internet (phrase)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!сидеть в Интернете (sidet' v Internete) surf the internet (phrase)Мужчина сидел в Интернете за компьютером.Muzhchina sidel v Internete za komp'yuterom.The man surfed the internet on the computer.Мужчина сидит в Интернете за компьютером.Muzhchina sidit v Internete za komp'yuterom.The man surfs the internet on the computer.Мужчина сидит в Интернете.Muzhchina sidit v Internete.The man is surfing the internet on the computer.Я сижу в Интернете каждый вечер перед сном.Ya sizhu v Internete kazhdyy vecher pered snom.I surf the internet every night before bed.сидеть в Интернете в течение часаsidet' v Internete v techeniye chasasurf... Show more

Russian Word of the Day – carrot (noun)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!морковь (morkov') carrot (noun)Перец, брокколи, цукини, лук-порей, морковь, баклажаны и салат - это всё овощи.Perets, brokkoli, tsukini, luk-porey, morkov', baklazhany i salat - eto vso ovoshchi.Peppers, broccoli, zucchini, leeks, carrots, eggplants, and lettuce are all vegetables.Морковь обычно оранжевого цвета.Morkov' obychno oranzhevogo tsveta.Carrots are usually orange in color.Морковь - очень популярный и полезный корнеплод.Morkov' - ochen' populyarnyy i poleznyy korneplod.The carrot is a very popular and healthy root vegetable.Мини-морковь обычно более нежная, чем та, которая покрупнее. Mini-morkov' obychno boleye... Show more

Russian Word of the Day – older sister (noun)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!старшая сестра (starshaya sestra) older sister (noun)Наша старшая сестра сидит с ребёнком, когда наших родителей нет дома.Nasha starshaya sestra sidit s rebyonkom, kogda nashikh roditeley net doma.Our older sister babysits when our parents are out.Старшая сестра держит свою младшую сестру.Starshaya sestra derzhit svoyu mladshuyu sestru.The older sister is holding her younger sister.иметь старшую сеструimet' starshuyu sestruhave an older sisterстаршая сестра и младшая сестраstarshaya sestra i mladshaya sestraolder sister and younger sisterOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Russian Word... Show more

Russian Word of the Day – sweet potato (phrase)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!сладкий картофель (sladkiy kartofel') sweet potato (phrase)Ямс также называют сладким картофелем.Yams takzhe nazivayut sladkim kartofelem.A yam is also called a sweet potato.Сладкий картофель хорош печёным или жаренымSladkiy kartofel' horosh pechyonym ili zharenymThe sweet potato is great baked or fried.засахаренный сладкий картофельzasaharenniy sladkiy kartofel'candied sweet potatoпечёный сладкий картофельpechyoniy sladkiy kartofel'baked sweet potatoцелый сладкий картофель и нарезанный сладкий картофельtseliy sladkiy kartofel' i narezanniy sladkiy kartofel'whole sweet potato and cut sweet potatoOwn a blog or website? Share... Show more

Russian Word of the Day – bread (noun)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!хлеб (hleb) bread (noun)Каждым воскресным утром мы покупаем хлеб, торт и печенье в пекарне.Kazhdym voskresnym utrom my pokupayem hleb, tort i pechyen 'ye v pekarne.Every Sunday morning we buy bread, cake, and cookies at the bakery.нарезанный хлеб и булочкиnarezannyi hleb i bulochkisliced bread and bread rollsнарезанный хлебnarezannyi hlebsliced breadOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Russian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!

Russian Word of the Day – silver (adjective)

Learn a little Russian everyday with the free Russian Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!серебряный silver (adjective)серебряная ручка выглядит дорогоThe silver colored pen looks expensive.красить в серебряный цветcolor silverOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Russian Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!