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Audio and Video Lessons!

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Announcing the Lighter, Faster and More Mobile-Friendly Lesson Notes!

Why do Russian learners keep coming back to RussianPod101.com? For our fast, fresh and fun audio and video lessons, of course! But did you know that an important part of our lessons is the PDF lesson notes? These printable lesson notes are a crucial part of our online learning system. For visual learners, they’re a must! So that’s why we embarked on a long journey to improve the PDF Lesson Notes so that you, our valued listeners, will have the very best Russian learning experience at RussianPod101. So what’s new? Glad you asked! Here’s what you’ll find with the updated PDF Lesson Notes: Completely Mobile Friendly – View with no problems, both iOS and Android RIP Lesson Notes Lite – PDFs now display reliably... Show more

Be Our Russian Valentine & Learn Russian!

Hello Listener, You and I, we make a pretty good team. You love the Russian language. We love helping you conquer it. You love the lessons with real-life Russian conversations. We have a blast making them. You love seeing your Russian skills grow. And we do too. So this Valentine’s Day, we must pop the question. Will you be our Russian Valentine? Say Yes by February 15th, 2013 and Get 30% OFF all Premium Subscriptions Take our hand and we’ll walk you through the Russian language! With a Premium Subscription, you unlock the best of what RussianPod101 has to offer – Complete Lesson Archive Access, In-Depth Lesson Notes and Premium Study Tools. Hurry! This offer is for 3 days only! Say Yes & Start Right Now! ... Show more

Your Russian progress starts now! Take the RussianPod101 Challenge!

Welcome Back Listener! It’s been a while! Last time we saw you, it was still 2012... Christmas trees were up, and you were still making your 2013 resolutions. Now that the New Year has begun, the #1 question everyone’s asking is... “How do I fulfill my resolution and make serious Russian progress?” One: Stop thinking and start doing. Take on the challenge and jump in. Your progress starts NOW. Two: Create a measurable and attainable Russian goal. (Master new 100 words in 2 weeks, listen to 5 Russian lessons a week, hold Russian a conversation for 5 minutes, etc.) Three: Challenge yourself more each month. (Go for 10 minute conversations, move on to 200 words, etc.) It’s as easy as that! So this 2013, take the... Show more

You’ll never master Russian…

Dear Reader, “You’ll Never Master a Language!” That’s what my foreign language teacher, Mr. Barry, told me many years ago. “I’m sorry, you just don’t have an aptitude for languages” is what he added. Well, he was wrong, and I knew it. I went on to master Japanese, a much harder language than the one Mr. Barry taught, obtaining a master's degree from a top Japanese university and founding a Japanese company headquartered in Tokyo. My name is Peter Galante, founder of Innovative Language Learning, and I’m here to tell you the story of how I proved them wrong. So how did I go from language class failure, to founder of a language learning company with over 200 million language lessons delivered? The secret lies in my... Show more

Explore the World in Russian with the Visual Dictionary iBook from InnovativeLanguage.com

Hey there Listener! Here’s a thought: The world around you needs to have little Russian labels. Anything you see, you’d know its Russian meaning immediately. Office building? Check. Train station and everything inside? Check. The items in your kitchen? Check. Learning Russian would take half the time! With InnovativeLanguage.com’s Visual Dictionary Russian iBook, you can do just that. This Visual Dictionary is the first of its kind. Even iTunes has noticed! Learn by Exploring the World in Russian! Just tap and zoom through 26 different everyday scenarios. You see the word in its real-world context, read it and hear its pronunciation. From the city streets, to train stations, and right down to your own kitchen,... Show more

Has anyone said “Thank you” to you today?

Has anyone said “Thank you” to you today? If not, we’d like to be the first! And we’d like to say it in 26 different languages. So listener, thank you for being a part of the Innovative Language family and for learning with us! Even though Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated in many parts of the world, everyone, everywhere loves hearing “thank you.” Click here to visit our Thank You Page and get your Free video lesson: ‘Learn how to say thank you in 26 different languages.’ One day, when you travel the world, that’s the one phrase that will put a smile on other people’s faces. Click Here For Your Free Thank You Video Lesson But...that’s not all! Looking to learn more Russian? From November 20th to the 25th – Get... Show more

Learn Russian with This Once in a Millennium Offer

Better than Black Friday. That comes once a year. This offer is once in a millennium. Good through Monday: Click here to get 1-Month Premium for $11.11 (55% OFF the regular price) or Click here to get 1-Year Premium for $111.11 (43% OFF the regular price) That’s every single one of our audio and video lessons, PDF Lesson Notes, My Flashcards, My Word Bank, Core Word Lists, Lesson Quizzes, Review, Dialogue and Expansion tracks and so much more - for $11.11 for a single month, or $111.11 for an entire year! Don’t let this once in a millennium chance pass you by - it expires Monday, November 14th at midnight! Just pick your deal and get started with our fun and effective Russian language learning system today! ... Show more

Learn Russian with the NEW My Flashcards

Premium Members, your Premium Account just got a whole lot more powerful! My Flashcards now allows you to study the Russian words you want by importing lists from audio and video lessons, your My WordBank and the Russian Core Word Lists 2000. Here's a quick rundown of the new features: My Flashcards Dashboard: My Flashcards have a brand new interface. Import words from any audio and video lesson, My WordBank and the Core Word Lists. Create, edit and delete as many decks as you want! Create a New Deck: How you want to study is completely up to you! You control what displays on the front and back of cards. Create new decks out of the existing words in My Flashcards. Simple pick the words, name your deck and you're ready to study. ... Show more

Happy Holidays from RussianPod101!

Our annual Reverse Christmas countdown begins today with the biggest savings of the year! Save 50% off any Basic or Premium subscription until midnight EST tonight with our Secret Santa Holiday Countdown Tomorrow, the daily deal drops below 50% OFF, so upgrade to Basic or Premium right now. Just click the link below: Half off RussianPod101 until midnight EST? Sign me up right now! Everyday until Christmas, we’re offering a daily deal on our Basic and Premium subscriptions. Act early and save more. It’s as easy as that! We can’t tell you what tomorrow’s deal will be, but we can tell you that it won’t be as good as today’s. New seasons of RussianPod101.com begin on January 3rd, so there’s no better time than now to upgrade to Basic... Show more