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Archive for the 'Russian Podcasts' Category

The Best Podcasts for Learning Russian

Do you find native Russian speakers simply impossible to understand? Are you tired of reading boring textbooks and doing endless exercises? If so, we suggest you start listening to some Russian podcasts for language learners! Are you tired of reading? Why don’t you try podcasts? There are many benefits to living in the digital age, but this is especially true when it comes to language learning. Today, you can improve your Russian with ease and pleasure using your phone, tablet, computer, and the internet. Whether you’re learning Russian for fun, in order to speak with friends, or for work, podcasts are a great tool to help you start understanding the language better. Podcasting (the word is a contraction of “iPod” and... Show more

How Long Does it Take to Learn Russian?

Russian is not an easy language to learn. It often takes much longer to master than one might imagine when first starting out.  If you’re like most of us, your time is quite limited and you might be wondering this all-too-common question among aspiring learners: How long does it take to learn Russian?  Even though this question has no definite answer, we’ll try to discuss it as thoroughly as possible in the article below. We’ll talk about the different factors that can affect the speed of your learning progress, how long it takes on average to achieve each level of Russian, and how to learn Russian fast and effectively.  Let’s go! Table of Contents How Long Will it Take to Learn Russian? 3 Defining Factors. How Long... Show more

How to be a Good Lover in Russia

Click here to listen how to pronounce those lovely words! - Ты так много значишь для меня. Ty tak mnoga znachish` dlya menya You mean so much to me. - Будешь ли ты моим Валентином? Budesh` li ty maim Valentinom? Will you be my Valentine? - Ты такая красивая. Ty takaya krasivaya. You're so beautiful. - Ты для меня больше чем друг Ty dlya menya bol`she chem drug I think of you as more than a friend. - Даже 100 сердец будет слишком мало чтобы выразить всю мою любовь к тебя. Dazhe 100 serdets budet slishkam malo chtoby vyrazit` vsyu mayu lyubov` k tebe. A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you. - Любовь, это просто любовь. Её никогда нельзя объяснить. Lyubov', eto prosto lyubov'. Yeyo nikagda... Show more

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year From RussianPod101.com!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from everyone here at RussianPod101.com! We're grateful to have listeners just like you, and we're eagerly waiting for the upcoming year to learn Russian together! And when the New Year comes around, be sure to make a resolution to study Russian with RussianPod101.com! Have a healthy and happy holiday season. From the RussianPod101.com Team!