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Basic Russian Words for Beginners: An Essential Minimum

There are about 150,000 words in modern Russian. But worry not—even I, a native speaker, probably know only half of those words. (Difficult to count, you know?)  Anyway, as a beginner in Russian, you’d need no more than 300-500 words to start expressing simple ideas. For this reason, our list of basic Russian words for beginners could be a good place for you to start. On this list, you’ll find the essential vocabulary needed to talk about people, places, everyday objects and their attributes, and simple actions. You’ll learn how to count to ten and use your first prepositions to talk about location. Make sure to check the intro chapter (How to Make the Most of this Beginner Vocabulary List) first, and then we’ll get started. ... Show more

Mind the Gap: 15 Russian Filler Words

Filler words. They come to the rescue when you run out of words. Sometimes, literally. They’re there when you hesitate with your answer, stutter trying to cover a lie, or…um… just need a second to think.  Today, we’ll be talking about Russian filler words and how to use them. But first, let’s set the stage... Let’s say I asked you to name out loud five movies with Matt Damon. Yes, right now. For real.  Done?  What was the sound you made when you were (painfully) trying to remember the fifth one? That’s a filler.  I’m sure you could come up with at least a couple more filler words yourself if I told you they pop up whenever you stammer. And I bet "like" or "um" would be the first ones to cross your mind! And you’d be right.... Show more

Negation in Russian: Don’t Be a “Yes-man”

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about the new experiences and discoveries that the magic "yes"-word can draw us toward. But sometimes we have to say no. Be it an invitation to a boring party, your kid begging for a 57th toy at the store, or a fast-food clerk offering you extra double mustard for your burger. "No." With me, you’ll learn about the subtleties of negation in Russian. Together we’ll unearth the simple ways of negating words and statements, discuss the infamous double negation, and go over the most common negative words and expressions. I’ve also saved negation in questions and imperative sentences for last. You’ll be well-prepared, on all fronts! Can you say no to this? Table of Contents 3 Simple Ways to Say... Show more

The Only Guide to Russian Tenses You’ll Ever Need

Let me guess. You’re at a stage where you already know how to introduce yourself and talk about your family, and now you’re ready to get down to real business. Hesitating between the verb conjugation and noun cases, your choice fell on Russian tenses. Fair enough. You need a way to tell the world about your past adventures, current feelings, and ambitious plans. Stick with me, and I’ll show you how it’s done. We’ll go step by step, starting with the Russian verb basics like the infinitive, person, number, and verbal aspects before seamlessly switching to the tenses: present, past, and future. Russian tenses are not a piece of cake, but we’re going to have one bite at a time anyway. Shall we? Table of Contents Basic Concepts ... Show more

How Long Does it Take to Learn Russian?

Russian is not an easy language to learn. It often takes much longer to master than one might imagine when first starting out.  If you’re like most of us, your time is quite limited and you might be wondering this all-too-common question among aspiring learners: How long does it take to learn Russian?  Even though this question has no definite answer, we’ll try to discuss it as thoroughly as possible in the article below. We’ll talk about the different factors that can affect the speed of your learning progress, how long it takes on average to achieve each level of Russian, and how to learn Russian fast and effectively.  Let’s go! Table of Contents How Long Will it Take to Learn Russian? 3 Defining Factors. How Long... Show more

Russian Proverbs: A Glimpse of Russian Wisdom

"Better late than never." "Don’t judge a book by its cover." You’re constantly surrounded by proverbs, and you probably don’t pay much attention to them until you start learning a new language. This is where the fun begins: The meanings of foreign proverbs can be difficult to guess, you can’t usually translate them literally, and some of them don’t even have an equivalent. Yes, you’ll find a few Russian proverbs like this. But what if you look at them from another angle? Have you ever wondered where proverbs come from? Many of them haven’t changed in centuries! They’ve been carrying wisdom from one generation to another, up until modern times. We use proverbs to console a beloved one, to give advice, or to cheer somebody up.... Show more

Moscow Travel Guide: The Top 10 Places to Visit in Moscow

Moscow is a magnificent city, serving as both the Russian capital and the nation’s historical and cultural center. So, if you want to learn more about the biggest country in the world—and experience its grandeur yourself—then visiting Moscow is the logical next step forward.  But is Moscow a nice place to visit?  Believe us: This lively city has dozens of entertainment options for all tastes. If you’re ready, let’s start planning your trip right now in our Moscow travel guide! Table of Contents Before You Go: The Most Important Things to Know Must-See Places for a 1-3 Day Trip Highly Recommended Places for a 4-7 Day Trip (or Longer) Survival Russian Phrases for Foreigners Conclusion Before You Go: The Most... Show more

Cool English Words in Russian You Should Know!

The Russian language is rich not only with its own words, but also with words borrowed from other languages. For English speakers looking to learn the language, studying English loanwords in Russian is a great way to quickly expand your vocabulary and make Russian seem less daunting.  We’ve prepared a list of English words in Russian that you can start using right away. We’ve also included a section about Russian words in the English language to further broaden your horizons.  Let’s get to it! Table of Contents Introduction to Runglish Runglish Examples Loanwords vs. Runglish How to Say These Names in Russian English Words Derived From the Russian Language English-Russian Paronyms Conclusion ... Show more

The Top 20 Russian Quotes for Language Learners

Although quotes don’t play a very important part in our everyday lives, there are some situations where knowing them can be really helpful. With quotes, we can express our thoughts in a more vivid and concise way.  If you’ve been studying Russian for a long period of time, you’re definitely ready to step up your game and learn some Russian quotes. We’ve prepared a list of twenty famous Russian quotes that you can use to enrich your speech, impress native Russian speakers during a conversation, and make yourself look more intelligent in their eyes. Some of these quotes are of Russian origin, while others are quotes from other languages that have gained popularity in Russia.  Pick your favorites and learn them by heart. We’re sure that... Show more

Get Back to Business: Essential Russian Business Phrases

In many cultures, the sphere of business is associated not only with money, but also with a specific language style. If you plan to do business with Russian speaking partners or move to Russia for work, knowing some Russian business phrases would be useful, as there are situations when everyday language is just not enough. Well, turning to business, I won’t teach you how to earn millions, but I can help you spare a lot of embarrassment by teaching you some fundamental Russian courtesy rules. In this guide, you’ll learn some basic Russian business phrases for various occasions, from job interviews and your first days of work to giving presentations, writing business letters, and making phone calls. Also—the icing on the cake—you’ll find out... Show more