Why learn about Russian adverbs and Russian adverb rules?
Imagine you’re in a city you’ve never been to and you’re asking for directions. The person knows exactly where you should go, but they just keep repeating “Go, then turn, then go.” You’re stunned. What’s going on?
This is what life without adverbs would look like. As soon as you include “straight,” “left,” and “right” in the conversation with that passer-by, the interaction suddenly makes much more sense. This is what adverbs do: they add minor and major nuances to our everyday life.
So, you actually have a solid reason to be interested in adverbs, and you’re in the right place to learn more about adverbs in Russian! In this article, we’ll cover Russian adverbs placement, their formation, and—more importantly—we’ll provide you with an extensive list of the 100 most useful Russian adverbs you should know.
This article is aimed at intermediate Russian learners. However, beginners will also benefit from learning the basics about Russian adverbs, and advanced students will improve their vocabulary and understand more complex Russian structures by reading through our examples.

1. Tell Me More About Russian Adverbs

1 – What is an Adverb?
Adverbs are words that specify the meaning of verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They can completely change the meaning, or simply make it more precise. Unlike the majority of words in Russian, adverbs do not have gender, case, or number. They never change, but they can have comparative and superlative forms. We’ll talk about them in a minute.
Let’s have a look at some examples of Russian adverbs:
- Медленно (medlenno) — “Slowly”
- Быстро (bystro) — “Fast”
- Прямо (pryamo) — “Straight”
And this is how these adverbs can be used with the verb идти (idti), meaning “to walk”:
- Я иду медленно. (Ya idu medlenno.) — “I walk slowly.”
- Я иду быстро. (Ya idu bystro.) — “I walk fast.”
- Я иду прямо. (Ya idu pryamo.) — “I walk straight.”
As you can see, the first two adverbs change the way I walk, the speed. As for the third one, it’s specifying the direction: I’m walking straight, not left or right. By the way, some Russian adverbs are not adverbs in English; sometimes they don’t even have a direct equivalent, so be ready for surprises!
2 – How Do I Spot an Adverb?

Russian adverbs are formed from various parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, and so on. However, deriving adverbs from adjectives is the most common way, just like in English. So how does it work in Russian?
Here’s how to form Russian adverbs this way:
хорош ИЙ (khorishiy) >> хорош +O = хорошО (khorosho)
“Good” >> “Well”
Did you understand what happened? We removed the ending of the adjective and added “o” instead. Basically, an adverb derived from an adjective coincides with the neuter short form of this adjective. You can learn more about short adjectives with RussianPod101.com (available to signed-up users only).
Let’s consider an example:
- Adjective: Это хороший фильм. (Eto khoroshiy fil’m.) — “This is a good movie.”
- Adverb: Она хорошо поёт. (Ona khorosho poyot.) — “She sings well.”
As the word order is pretty flexible in Russian, adverbs can go either before or after the word they modify, preferably before.
Look at the different adverb positions:
- Саша весело смеётся. (Sasha veselo smeyotsya.) — “Sasha is joyfully laughing.”
- Саша смеётся весело. (Sasha smeyotsya veselo.) — “Sasha is laughing joyfully.”
You might be wondering, “So if you say that an adverb derived from an adjective looks exactly like its short neuter form, how do I know the difference between adverbs and adjectives?”
Easily. First, adjectives usually answer questions like “What kind?” or “Which?”, and adverbs answer questions such as “How?”, “Where?”, “When?”, “How much?”, “Why?”, and “What for?” Second, the neuter adjective agrees with the noun in gender and number; the adverb, as mentioned above, does not.
- Он красиво играет на гитаре. (On krasivo igrayet na gitare.) — “He plays the guitar beautifully.”
- Кольцо красиво. (Koltso krasivo.) — “The ring is beautiful.”
I’m pretty sure you can tell which one is the adverb and which one is the adjective even without the translation. Look at these two sentences and explain your choice using the rule above. Give it a go!
Just like in English, there are also some adverbs that look like prepositions. And there is a way to distinguish between them as well! A preposition can’t be separated from the noun, while an adverb is an independent word and it’s not going to hide behind anyone’s back when you ask “How?”, “Where?”, “When?”, “How much?”, “Why?”, and “What for?”
- Вокруг дома растут деревья. (Vokrug doma rastut derev’ya.) — “There are trees growing around the house.”
- Вокруг было тихо. (Vokrug bylo tikho.) — “It was quiet around.”
So in the first sentence, вокруг дома (vokrug doma), meaning “around the house,” is an inseparable union, and if you want to ask the question “Where?”, the answer is going to feature both words: вокруг дома (vokrug doma). However, in the second sentence, вокруг (vokrug) can answer the question “Where?” alone.
3 – Any Interesting Features of Russian Language Adverbs?
Remember how I mentioned that adverbs can have comparative and superlative forms? Indeed, most adverbs derived from adjectives keep their ability to form degrees of comparison.
The comparative degree, or Russian comparative adverbs, can be formed in two ways:
- By adding -ее (-eye) to the end of the adverb (with some exceptions)
- Весело (veselo) >> веселее (veseleye) — “Fun” >> “funner”
- Быстро (bystro) >> быстрее (bystreye) — “Fast” >> “faster”
- By adding the words более (boleye) meaning “more” and менее (meneye) meaning “less”
- Глубоко (gluboko) >> более глубоко (boleye gluboko) — “Deep” >> “deeper”
- Глубоко (gluboko) >> менее глубоко (meneye gluboko) — “Deep” >> “less deep”
As a rule of thumb, you can choose whichever scheme you like; they’re pretty much equal.
It’s a bit more complicated with the superlative form. The scheme is as follows:
Simple comparative form (ending with -ее) + words всех (vsekh) or всего (vsego) meaning “of all”
- Интересно (interesno) >> интереснее всех (interesneye vsekh) —
“Interesting” >> “the most interesting of all” - Далеко (daleko) >> дальше всех (dal’she vsekh) — “Far” >> “the farthest of all”
So now you have some solid background knowledge about what Russian adverbs are, what purpose they serve, and how they can change their form. You’re now ready for our comprehensive list of the 100 most common Russian adverbs! Let’s dive in!
2. The 100 Most Useful Russian Adverbs
There are many ways to classify adverbs, each one with its own purpose and reason. For this article, we’ve chosen the classification based on what question each adverb answers. It will be easier to remember the Russian adverbs divided by their functions.
1 – Russian Adverbs of Place (Where?)

Have you been to Russia? What’s the main attraction every tourist knows about? Let’s see if your guess was correct. Read the dialogue between a tour guide and a tourist.
Далеко (daleko) “Far” | А далеко Красная площадь? A daleko Krasnaya ploshchad’? “Is the Red Square far?” |
Близко (blizko) “Close” | Нет, совсем близко. Net, sovsem blizko. “No, it’s really close.” |
Здесь (zdes’) “Here” | Мы на месте. Посмотрите, здесь у нас храм. My na meste. Posmotrite, zdes’ u nas khram. “That’s the place. Look, here we have the church.” |
Там (tam) “(Over) there” | А там — Мавзолей. A tam — Mavzoley. “And the mausoleum is over there.” |
Справа (sprava) “To the right” | Справа от храма Кремль. Sprava ot khrama Kreml’. “The Kremlin is to the right of the church.” |
Слева (sleva) “To the left” | Слева от Кремля ГУМ. Это торговый центр. Sleva ot Kremlya GUM. Eto torgovyy tsentr. “GUM is to the left of the Kremlin. GUM is a shopping mall.” |
Наверху (naverkhu) “On the top” | Кремль легко узнать. У него наверху звезда. Kreml’ legko uznat’. U nego naverkhu zvezda. “It’s easy to recognize the Kremlin. It has a star on the top.” |
Внизу (vnizu) “At the bottom” | Внизу у Кремля стоит охрана. Vnizu u Kremlya stoit okhrana. “There are guards at the bottom of the Kremlin.” |
Где-нибудь (gde-nibud’) “Somewhere” | А здесь где-нибудь можно купить матрёшку? A zdes’ gde-nibud’ mozhno kupit’ matryoshku? “Can I buy a Russian doll somewhere here?” |
Нигде (nigde) “Nowhere” “No… anywhere” | Тут только красивые здания, а сувениров нигде нет. Tut tol’ko krasivyye zdaniya, a suvenirov nigde net. “There are only beautiful buildings around, but I don’t see souvenirs anywhere.” |
Везде (vezde) “Everywhere” | И везде люди с фотоаппаратами. I vezde lyudi s fotoapparatami. “And people with cameras are everywhere.” |
Дома (doma) “At home” | Хочу матрёшку. Дома похвастаюсь, что был в России. Khochu matryoshku. Doma pokhvastayus’, chto byl v Rossii. “I want a Russian doll. I want to boast at home that I’ve been to Russia.” |
Note: Just like in English, дома (doma), meaning “at home,” doesn’t necessarily imply “in your house.” It can also refer to your neighborhood, city, or country. |
Even if you haven’t been to Russia yet, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard about the Red Square. Do you know what it looks like? Have a look at this 360° panorama of the Red Square in Moscow. Can you find the church? Where is the Kremlin? Is it справа (sprava) or слева (sleva)?
By the way, we have a similar dialogue example with audio on RussianPod101.com. If you want more practice, check it out (available to signed-up users only)!
2 – Russian Adverbs of Direction (Where to?)
Have you read Russian fairy-tales? If yes, you should remember a very prominent inanimate character—a stone that gives you a hard choice of where to go at the junction. Which direction should I go? There is no good choice. Well, actually, there is. You can get familiar with the well-known Russian fairy-tale about the Firebird, read about the stone, and see what choice the main character makes.
And then proceed through our list of adverbs!
Куда-то (kuda-to) “Somewhere” | Снится мне сон, что я куда-то иду. Snitsya mne son, chto ya kuda-to idu. “I had a dream that I was going somewhere.” |
Вперёд (vperyod) “Forward” | Смотрю вперёд и вижу камень, как в русских сказках. Smotryu vperyod i vizhu kamen’, kak v russkikh skazkakh. “I look forward and see a stone like the one in Russian fairy-tales.” |
Налево (nalevo) “(To the) left” | На камне написано: «Налево пойдёшь — счастье найдёшь». Na kamne napisano: «Nalevo poydyosh’ — shchast’ye naydyosh’». “The stone says, ‘If you go left, you will find your happiness.’” |
Направо (napravo) “(To the) right” | «Направо пойдёшь — богатство найдёшь». «Napravo poydyosh’ — bogatstvo naydyosh’». “‘If you go right, you will find wealth.’” |
Назад (nazad) “Back(wards)” | «Назад пойдёшь — беду встретишь». «Nazad poydyosh’ — bedu vstretish’». “’If you go back, you will only find misfortune.’” |
Обратно (obratno) “Back” | Я понял, что обратно идти нельзя. Ya ponyal, chto obratno idti nel’zya. “I realized that I can’t go back.” |
Туда (tuda) “There” | Счастье — это хорошо, но справа деньги обещают. Пошёл туда. Shchast’ye — eto khorosho, no sprava den’gi obeshchayut. Poshyol tuda. “Happiness is good, but I was promised money on the right. So I went there.” |
Вверх (vverkh) “Up” | Долго я шёл вверх по горам. Dolgo ya shyol vverkh po goram. “I was going up the mountains for a long time.” |
Сюда (syuda) “Here” | Думал: «Зачем я сюда пошёл?» Dumal: «Zachem ya syuda poshyol?» “I was thinking, ‘Why did I ever go here?’” |
Вниз (vniz) “Down” | С вершины холма заметил дом и пошёл вниз. S vershiny kholma zametil dom i poshyol vniz. “I spotted a house from the top of the hill, so I went down.” |
Домой (domoy) “Back home” | Зашёл в него: оказалось, вернулся домой к жене. Zashyol v nego: okazalos’, vernulsya domoy k zhene. “I entered the place. It turned out I returned back home to my wife.” |
Никуда (nikuda) “Nowhere” = “Anywhere” | Понял, что семья — моё богатство, никуда за ним ходить не надо. Ponyal, chto sem’ya — moyo bogatstvo, nikuda za nim khodit’ ne nado. “I realized that my family is my wealth, and that I don’t need to go anywhere to find it.” |
Note: Some adverbs of place and adverbs of direction might sound similar in English. However, there is a distinction in Russian. The difference is that the adverbs of direction indicate the process of moving somewhere, while adverbs of place actually imply that the subject is already at the place.
3 – Russian Adverbs of Time (When? and How?)

What is your reason for learning Russian? Do you feel like you need a push sometimes? Get a burst of motivation while reading through these Russian time adverbs!
Недавно (nedavno) “Recently” | Недавно ты решил начать изучать русский язык. Nedavno ty reshil izuchat’ russkiy yazyk. “Recently, you have decided to learn Russian.” |
Ещё (yeshchyo) “Yet” = “Still” | Ты ещё не знаешь всех слов. Ty yeshchyo ne znayesh’ vsekh slov. “You don’t know all the words yet.” |
Уже (uzhe) “Already” | Но уже что-то понимаешь. No uzhe chto-to ponimayesh’. “But you already understand something.” |
Когда-нибудь (kogda-nibud’) “One day” | Когда-нибудь ты точно заговоришь по-русски. Kogda-nibud’ ty tochno zagovorish’ po-russki. “One day, you will definitely speak Russian.” |
Пока (poka) “For now” | Пока давай вспомним правила эффективного изучения языка. Poka davay vspomnim pravila effektivnogo izucheniya yazyka. “For now, let’s review the rules of effective language learning.” |
Заранее (zaraneye) “In advance” | Заранее реши, чего ты хочешь достичь в изучении языка. Zaraneye reshi, chego ty khochesh’ dostich’ v izuchenii yazyka. “Decide in advance what you want to reach in language learning.” |
Сразу (srazu) “At once” | Не учи сразу по 100 слов. Ne uchi srazu po 100 slov. “Don’t learn 100 words at once.” |
Быстро (bystro) “Quickly” | Ты их быстро забудешь. Ty ikh bystro zabudesh’. “You will quickly forget them.” |
Сначала (snachala) “First” | Сначала выучи простые и нужные слова. Snachala vyuchi prostyye i nuzhnyye slova. “First learn simple and necessary words.” |
Потом (potom) “Later” | Уже потом можно выучить «отвёртка» и «материнская плата». Uzhe potom mozhno vyuchit’ «otvyortka» i «materinskaya plata». “And later, you can learn the words ‘screwdriver’ and ‘motherboard.’” |
Скоро (skoro) “Soon” | А то скоро сможешь обсуждать мировые проблемы, а еду в ресторане заказать не сможешь. A to skoro smozhesh’ obsuzhdat’ mirovyye problemy, a edu v restorane zakazat’ ne smozhesh’. “Otherwise, you will soon be able to discuss global problems but not order food in a restaurant.” |
Долго (dolgo) “For a long time” | Учить язык долго, но интересно. Uchit’ yazyk dolgo, no interesno. “You can learn a language for a long time, but it’s fun.” |
Всегда (vsegda) “Always” | Всегда узнаёшь что-то новое. Vsegda uznayosh’ chto-to novoye. “You always learn new stuff.” |
Обычно (obychno) “Usually” | Обычно хватает шести месяцев, чтобы начать понимать и говорить. Obychno khvatayet shesti mesyatsev, chtoby nachat’ ponimat’ i govorit’. “Usually, six months is enough to start understanding and speaking.” |
Впервые (vpervyye) “For the first time” | Главное — не опускать руки, когда впервые столкнёшься с трудностями. Glavnoye — ne opuskat’ ruki, kogda vpervyye stolknyosh’sya s trudnostyami. “It’s important to not give up when you face difficulties for the first time.” |
Постоянно (postoyanno) “Regularly” | Чтобы выучить язык, нужно постоянно практиковаться. Chtoby vyuchit’ yazyk, nuzhno postoyanno praktikovat’sya. “To learn a language, you need to practice regularly.” |
Часто (chasto) “Often” | Часто нам не хватает времени. Chasto nam ne khvatayet vremeni. “Often, we don’t have time.” |
Некогда (nekogda) “To have no time” | Ты можешь найти 15 минут, даже если тебе постоянно некогда. Ty mozhesh’ nayti 15 minut, dazhe yesli tebe postoyanno nekogda. “You can spare 15 minutes, even if you seem to have no time at all.” |
Никогда (nikogda) “Never” | Никогда не ленись. Nikogda ne lenis’. “Never allow yourself to be lazy.” |
Редко (redko) “Rarely” | Редко кому удаётся достичь желаемого без усилий. Redko komu udayotsya dostich’ zhelayemogo bez usiliy. “One can rarely achieve their goal effortlessly.” |
Иногда (inogda) “Sometimes” | Иногда хочется всё бросить. Вспомни, зачем ты начал. Inogda khochetsya vsyo brosit’. Vspomni, zachem ty nachal. “Sometimes you feel like giving it all up. Remember why you started.” |
Снова (snova) “Once again” | Давай снова повторим известные принципы продуктивности. Davay snova povtorim izvestnyye printsipy produktivnosti. “Let’s repeat the well-known rules of productivity once again.” |
Рано (rano) “Early” | Говорят, что лучше вставать рано, ведь утро — самое продуктивное время суток. Govoryat, chto luchshe vstavat’ rano, ved’ utro — samoye produktivnoye vremya sutok. “People say it’s better to get up early: the morning is considered to be the most productive time of the day.” |
Поздно (pozdno) “Late” | И лучше не ложиться поздно. I luchshe ne lozhit’sya pozdno. “And it’s better not to go to bed too late.” |
Давно (davno) “Long (time ago)” | Хотя давно известно, что у каждого свой ритм. Khotya davno izvestno, chto u kazhdogo svoy ritm. “Even though it has long been recognized that everybody’s got their own rhythm.” |
Завтра (zavtra) “Tomorrow” | Перестань откладывать дела на завтра. Perestan’ otkladyvat’ dela na zavtra. “Stop putting it off till tomorrow.” |
Сегодня (segodnya) “Today” | Через год ты пожалеешь, что не начал сегодня. Cherez god ty pozhaleyesh’, chto ne nachal segodnya. “In a year from now, you will regret not starting today.” |
Вчера (vchera) “Yesterday” | Каждый день старайся быть лучше, чем вчера. Kazhdyy den’ staraysya byt’ luchshe, chem vchera. “Every day, try to be better than yesterday.” |
Однажды (odnazhdy) “One day” | Однажды ты будешь благодарен себе за терпение. Odnazhdy ty budesh’ blagodaren sebe za terpeniye. “One day, you will be grateful for your patience.” |
Сейчас (seychas) “Now” | Начни действовать прямо сейчас! Выучи 10 новых наречий. Nachni deystvovat’ pryamo seychas! Vyuchi 10 novykh narechiy. “Start acting right now! Learn 10 new adverbs.” |
By the way, here’s a helpful guide about how to learn foreign words effectively. It could be useful for you!
4 – Russian Adverbs of Degree (How much?)

It would be useful to know these adverbs if you go to the market to buy some food. Otherwise, how would you stop that nice lady from putting more and more green peppers into your bag? Or prevent your friend from drinking too much? Look at how our two friends are dealing with this issue.
Много (mnogo) “Much” | Ты зачем столько много пил вчера? Ty zachem stol’ko mnogo pil vchera? “Why did you drink so much yesterday?” |
Мало (malo) “Little,” “not enough” | Мало тебе проблем с женой? Malo tebe problem s zhenoy? “Don’t you have enough problems with your wife?” |
Чуть-чуть (chut’-chut’) “Tiny bit” | Да я выпил-то совсем чуть-чуть. Da ya vypil-to sovsem chut’-chut’. “But I drank just a tiny bit.” |
Примерно (primerno) “Approximately” | Примерно пять бутылок пива. Primerno pyat’ butylok piva. “Five bottles of beer, approximately.” |
Достаточно (dostatochno) “Enough” | Достаточно, чтобы сегодня болела голова. Dostatochno, chtoby segodnya bolela golova. “Enough to have a headache today.” |
Немного (nemnogo) “A bit” | Ну, немного перебрал. Nu, nemnogo perebral. “Well yeah, I drank a bit too much.” |
Только (tol’ko) “Just” | Я ж только расслабиться хотел! Ya zh tol’ko rasslabit’sya khotel! “I just wanted to relax!” |
Больше (bol’she) “More” | Больше пить не буду! Bol’she pit’ ne budu! “I’m not going to drink anymore!” |
Меньше (men’she) “Less,” “fewer” | Правильно, меньше будет проблем. Pravil’no, men’she budet problem. “That’s right, you’ll have fewer problems.” |
Слишком (slishkom) “Too much,” “too many” | Если в жизни слишком много стресса, давай лучше на природу съездим! Yesli v zhizni slishkom mnogo stressa, davay luchshe na prirodu s’yezdim! “If you have too much stress in your life, let’s just have a nature trip!” |
Тоже (tozhe) “As well” | Прогулки в лесу тоже отлично расслабляют. Progulki v lesu tozhe otlichno rasslablyayut. “Walking in the forest can relax you as well.” |
Очень (ochen’) “Very” | Свежий воздух и тишина очень полезны. Svezhiy vozdukh i tishina ochen’ polezny. “Fresh air and silence are very healthy.” |
Почти (pochti) “Almost” | Я почти каждую неделю езжу туда отдыхать от шумного города. Ya pochti kazhduyu nedelyu ezzhu tuda otdykhat’ ot shumnogo goroda. “I go there almost every week to take a break from the buzzing city.” |
5 – Russian Adverbs of Manner (How?)
This is the biggest category of all, by far. The variety of sentences here includes all possible adjectives converted into adverbs. Can you identify which adverbs used to be adjectives?
Хорошо (khorosho) “Nicely,” “well” | Она хорошо справилась с тестом. Ona khorosho spravilas’ s testom. “She did well on the test.” |
Плохо (plokho) “Bad” | Он плохо воспринял новости. On plokho vosprinyal novosti. “He reacted badly to the news.” |
Вместе (vmeste) “Together” | Давай сходим на концерт вместе? Davay skhodim na kontsert vmeste? “Let’s go to the concert together?” |
Наоборот (naoborot) “Vice versa” | Пиццу — в духовку, пиво — в холодильник, а не наоборот! Pitstsu — v dukhovku, pivo — v kholodil’nik, a ne naoborot! “Pizza goes in the oven, beer goes in the fridge, not vice versa!” |
Легко (legko) “Easily” | Да я легко 100 метров за 14 секунд пробегу! Da ya legko 100 metrov za 14 sekund probegu! “I will easily run a hundred meters in 14 seconds!” |
Сложно (slozhno) “Difficult” | Сложно быть умнее всех. Slozhno byt’ umneye vsekh. “It’s difficult to be the smartest one.” |
Специально (spetsial’no) “On purpose” | Я специально несколько банок купил, чтоб на дольше хватило! Ya spetsial’no neskol’ko banok kupil, chtob na dol’she khvatilo! “I bought several jars on purpose so that they last longer!” |
Зря (zrya) “For nothing” | Магазин закрыт, зря ходил. Magazin zakryt, zrya khodil. “The shop is closed, I’ve been there for nothing.” |
По-русски (po-russki) “In Russian” | Как сказать это по-русски? Kak skazat’ eto po-russki? “How do you say it in Russian?” |
По-английски (po-angliyski) “In English” | Я свободно говорю по-английски. Ya svobodno govoryu po-angliyski. “I’m fluent in English.” |
Наизусть (naizust’) “By heart” | Я выучил стихотворение наизусть. Ya vyuchil stikhotvoreniye naizust’. “I’ve learned the poem by heart.” |
Правильно (pravil’no) “Rightly” = “Correctly” | Мы правильно решили пример. My pravil’no reshili primer. “We have solved the equation correctly.” |
Случайно (sluchayno) “Accidentally” | Он случайно наступил мне на ногу. On sluchayno nastupil mne na nogu. “He accidentally stepped on my foot.” |
Пешком (peshkom) “On foot” | Я решил идти на работу пешком. Ya reshil idti na rabotu peshkom. “I’ve decided to go to work on foot.” |
Медленно (medlenno) “Slowly” | Старушка медленно спускалась по лестнице. Starushka medlenno spuskalas’ po lestnitse. “The old lady was slowly walking down the stairs.” |
Обязательно (obyazatel’no) “Definitely,” “necessarily” | В Москве обязательно посетите Красную площадь. V Moskve obyazatel’no posetite Krasnuyu ploshchad’. “You should definitely visit the Red Square in Moscow.” |
Бесплатно (besplatno) “For free” | На YouTube можно смотреть видео бесплатно. Na YouTube mozhno smotret’ video besplatno. “You can watch videos on YouTube for free.” |
Вкусно (vkusno) “Deliciously” | Мой папа вкусно готовит. Moy papa vkusno gotovit. “My father cooks deliciously.” |
Особенно (osobenno) “Especially” | Мне часто хочется спать, особенно после обеда. Mne chasto khochetsya spat’, osobenno posle obeda. “I’m often sleepy, especially after lunch.” |
Осторожно (ostorozhno) “Carefully,” “with caution” | Он осторожно открыл дверь. On ostorozhno otkryl dver’. “He opened the door with caution.” |
6 – Russian Adverbs of State
The following list doesn’t include adverbs, technically. However, these words—adverbs of state—behave (and look!) like adverbs of manner, so they deserve a separate section in our article. The adverbs of state indicate feelings and states of people and animals.
- Adverb of state: Ему холодно. (Yemu kholodno.) — “He’s cold.”
- Adverb of manner: На улице холодно. (Na ulitse kholodno.) — “It’s cold outside.”

We use pronouns and nouns in the dative case with adverbs of state. To review the forms of personal pronouns in dative, you can check this link (available to signed-up users only).
Холодно (kholodno) “Cold” | Мне холодно. Mne kholodno. “I’m cold.” |
Жарко (zharko) “Hot” | Тебе жарко? Tebe zharko? “Are you hot?” |
Скучно (skuchno) “Boring,” “bored” | Нам скучно. Nam skuchno. “We are bored.” |
Интересно (interesno) “Interesting,” “interested” | Ей очень интересно. Yey ochen’ interestno. “She’s really interested.” |
Грустно (grustno) “Sad,” “sadly” | Вам грустно? Vam grustno? “Are you sad?” |
Весело (veselo) “To have fun” | Им весело. Im veselo. “They are having fun.” |
“To have fun”
7 – Russian Adverbs as Questions
Remember we discussed the questions that Russian adverbs answer? The truth is, the questions themselves are actually adverbs! Surprised? Have a look at the example sentences.
Где (gde) “Where” | Где ты живешь? Gde ty zhivesh? “Where do you live?” |
Когда (kogda) “When” | Когда ты начал изучать русский язык? Kogda ty nachal izuchat’ russkiy yazyk? “When did you start learning Russian?” |
Куда (kuda) “Where to” | Куда бы ты хотел поехать в отпуск? Kuda by ty khotel poyekhat’ v otpusk? “Where would you like to go on vacation?” |
Откуда (otkuda) “Where from” | У тебя есть друзья из других стран? Откуда они? U tybya yest’ druz’ya iz drugikh stran? Otkuda oni? “Do you have international friends? Where are they from?” |
Зачем (zachem) “What for” | Зачем ты учишь русский язык? Zachem ty uchish’ russkiy yazyk? “What do you learn Russian for?” |
Почему (pochemu) “Why” | Почему ты ещё не достиг желаемого уровня? Pochemu ty eshchyo ne dostig zhelayemogo urovnya? “Why haven’t you reached the desired level yet?” |
Как (kak) “How” | Как ты будешь достигать своей цели? Kak ty budesh dostigat’ svoyey tseli? “How are you going to reach your goal?” |
How many questions can you answer? We would love to hear from you!
3. A Bonus from RussianPod101
In this guide, you’ve learned everything about Russian adverbs, their formation, their placement in a sentence, and you’ve been through our list of the 100 most useful Russian adverbs. How many new adverbs did you learn? Are you ready to add the new adverbs to your speech and sound more advanced?
Good job! RussianPod101 is offering you a bonus: a free list of Must-know Adverbs to Connect Your Thoughts. Make sure to check it out!
Remember that you can also use our Premium PLUS service, MyTeacher, to get personal one-on-one coaching to practice adverbs and more with a private teacher. This teacher will use assignments, grammar and vocabulary exercises, and voice recordings to improve your pronunciation and overall language skills! Happy learning with RussianPod101!