October 2009 Newsletter


  1. Awesome new upgrade available for the iPhone/iPod Touch application – WordPower Russian and now available for Android (the Google phone).
  2. Social Networking Monthly Giveaways! – Every month, RussianPod101.com will give away one 3-month Premium Subscription, one 3-month Basic Subscription, and two of our phenomenal iPhone applications. Become a subscriber to RussianPod101’s YouTube account, follow us on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, or have a free lifetime account at RussianPod101 to be eligible to win!
  3. Best Lessons and Blog Entries for October! – Find out what’s popular this month! The blog has some great content for you to see.

Welcome to the RussianPod101.com newsletter. These periodic newsletters will deliver to you all the exciting developments that are going on at RussianPod101.com. With each issue, you will receive  the latest announcements, promotional offers, blog news, and forum news, while getting a rare glimpse of the behind-the-scenes life at the RussianPod101.com office!

Read and Enjoy! And as always, if you have any comments or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at contactus@RussianPod101.com.

The RussianPod101.com Team

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