Ministering in Russian

We have a great and inspiring story Charles Fuller, a minister. His goal for studying Russian is to be able to eventually share the message of his religion in Russian.


“Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Чарльза Фаллера.


Avid Listener of RussianPod101!I am a minister, currently in seminary, preparing for the pastorate. I started trying to Russian last fall, when I began to feel led to go to Russia to share the love of God. I had seriously considered purchasing a well known brand of language software, but it is very expensive and I have very little money. I looked at and listened to several of the different podcasts that are available. Some are better than others. Russianpod 101 is, by far the best. 


While I certainly have much to learn, I hope to be ready by Summer! With access to the pdf’s I will certainly gain much more, much faster. As a result, I have been watching Russian news (HTB) podcasts and have been able to understand much more than I ever would have imagined.


Thank you, Russianpod 101, for the wonderful learning opportunity!”


Thank you for sharing that Charles!  Try your hardest until you reach your goal!


What are everyone else’s goals for studying Russian?  Share it below in the comments section or e-mail us, with the subject line, Mail Bag.