
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jonathan:Hi everyone, I’m Jonathan.
Svetlana:And I’m Svetlana!
Jonathan:And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Russian Vocabulary , Lesson 3! In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to Food &Drink. These are the 5 most popular Russian beverages. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at RussianPod101.com
Jonathan:Svetlana, what’s our first word?
Jonathan:Kvass, a soft drink made from black or regular rye bread
Svetlana:(slow) Квас (regular) Квас
Jonathan:Listeners, please repeat:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jonathan:Kvass is a fermented drink with a very low alcohol content; it used to be made from breadcrumbs, which is why it’s considered as a drink for poor people.
Jonathan:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Svetlana:(normal) Квас можно приготовить дома
Jonathan:Kvass can be made at home.
Svetlana:(slow) Квас можно приготовить дома
Jonathan:Okay, what’s the next word?
Svetlana:(slow) Пиво (regular) Пиво
Jonathan:Listeners, please repeat:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jonathan:Beer is considered to be a healthier alternative to vodka.
Jonathan:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Svetlana:(normal) Русские любят живое пиво
Jonathan:Russians like freshly brewed beer.
Svetlana:(slow) Русские любят живое пиво
Jonathan:Okay, what’s the next word?
Jonathan:Vodka, an alcoholic drink made from grains, potatoes, some fruits or berries, and sugar
Svetlana:(slow) Водка (regular) Водка
Jonathan:Listeners, please repeat:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jonathan:Vodka is the most popular drink in Russia.
Jonathan:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Svetlana:(normal) Самая популярная закуска к водке - солёные огурцы
Jonathan:The most fam ous snack to have with vodka is pickles
Svetlana:(slow) Самая популярная закуска к водке - солёные огурцы
Jonathan:Okay, what’s the next word?
Jonathan:Kisel’, a hot fruit juice with starch
Svetlana:(slow) Кисель (regular) Кисель
Jonathan:Listeners, please repeat:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jonathan:In Russia kisel’ is served very thin as a drink, while in other countries it is thicker and served as a dessert. -
Jonathan:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Svetlana:(normal) Кисель иногда подается как дессерт
Jonathan:Sometimes kisel' is served as a dessert
Svetlana:(slow) Кисель иногда подается как дессерт
Jonathan:Okay, what’s the last word?
Jonathan:Kompot, a refreshing drink made of dried fruits and berries
Svetlana:(slow) Компот (regular) Компот
Jonathan:Listeners, please repeat:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jonathan:Kompot is juice made from fruit such as rhubarb, apples, or peaches; it is a popular drink in schools because of its rich vitamin content.
Jonathan:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Svetlana:(normal) В компот можно добавлять различные сухофрукты
Jonathan:Various dried fruits can be added to kompot.
Svetlana:(slow) В компот можно добавлять различные сухофрукты
Jonathan:Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Svetlana will give you the Russian – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
[pause]Jonathan:Kvass, a soft drink made from black or regular rye bread
[pause]Jonathan:Vodka, an alcoholic drink made from grains, potatoes, some fruits or berries and sugar
[pause]Jonathan:Kisel’, a hot fruit juice with starch
[pause]Jonathan:Kompot, a refreshing drink made of dried fruits and berries


Jonathan:There you have it – 5 beverage names in Russia! We have a more complete list at RussianPod101.com Thanks everyone, see you next time!

