Eric: Eric here. Beginner Series Season 2, Lesson 14 – “How much did you bring to drink in Russia?” Hi, my name is Eric and I'm joined here by… |
Anna: Anna. Welcome back to |
Eric: That was a great hello. In the previous lesson, we focused on how to ask what someone is doing. |
Anna: The focus of this lesson is negotiating the accepting or refusing of alcohol. |
Eric: This is an important lesson. This conversation takes place at Serghei’s home. |
Anna: So again, this conversation is between mister Jimmy Johnson and his buddy, Serghei. |
Eric: The speakers are friends, so they’ll be speaking informally. |
Anna: Premium members, use the review track to perfect your pronunciation. |
Eric: Available in the Premium section of the website, the Learning Center, and through iTunes via the Premium Feed, the review track gives you vocabulary and phrases followed by a short pause so you can repeat the words aloud. |
Anna: It’s a very nice feature. |
Eric: Ok, let’s listen to today’s conversation. Anna? |
Anna: I'm not Anna anymore. Oh, my gosh. Ok, today I’ll play Serghei. |
Eric: Nice. And I’ll be Jimmy Johnson. |
Anna: Ok, let’s start. |
Anna: [Джеймс, хочешь водки? Или, может быть, вина?] |
Eric: [Ты знаешь, что я не пью водку. Ну, налей вина, только немного. ] |
Eric: Once again, slowly. |
Anna: Еще раз, медленнее. |
Anna: [Джеймс, хочешь водки? Или, может быть, вина?] |
Eric: [Ты знаешь, что я не пью водку. Ну, налей вина, только немного. ] |
Eric: One time, natural native speed, with the translation. |
Anna: Еще раз, с переводом. |
Anna: [Джеймс, хочешь водки? Или, может быть, вина?] |
Eric: James, do you want some vodka? Or maybe some wine? |
Anna: [Ты знаешь, что я не пью водку. Ну, налей вина, только немного. ] |
Eric: You know that I don’t drink vodka. Well, give me some wine, but just a little. |
Anna: Ok, Eric. Have you had the similar experience to James’? What do you think about the situation? |
Eric: Of course, it always depends on the company you keep, but in my experience it can be a bit tricky refusing alcohol. The one piece of advice I can give is to be firm but polite. If you really don’t want to drink, you have to make it clear. Because if you’re hesitant, you could end up drinking a lot. |
Anna: I know, Eric, but I should tell a secret. Russian girls often pour out the alcohol under the table is no one is watching. |
Eric: So… wait a minute. You threw your vodka all over somebody’s floor? |
Anna: No, Eric, of course I was talking about the outside. |
Eric: Ok. |
Anna: Indoors you find a plant or somebody else’s glass. |
Eric: Yes, a botanist would recommend vodka for any plant or… what are you talking…? Oh, my goodness. I think the trick here is to be firm with your request, but polite saying “No, thank you” [нет, спасибо]. Ok, let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. |
Eric: Our first word is… |
Anna: [немного] |
Eric: A little. |
Anna: [немного] |
Eric: Next. |
Anna: [налей] |
Eric: Pour. |
Anna: [налей] |
Eric: Next. |
Anna: [ну] |
Eric: Well, well then. |
Anna: [ну] |
Eric: Next. |
Anna: [пить] |
Eric: To drink. |
Anna: [пить] |
Eric: Next. |
Anna: [вино] |
Eric: Wine. |
Anna: [вино] |
Eric: Next. |
Anna: [может быть] |
Eric: Maybe, perhaps. |
Anna: [может быть] |
Eric: Next. |
Anna: [или] |
Eric: Or. |
Anna: [или] |
Eric: Ok, let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. |
Anna: The first word we’ll look at is [или]. |
Eric: Which means “or”. To say “either or” we use [или или]. |
Anna: Right. |
Eric: So “either apples or oranges” would be? |
Anna: [или яблоки или апельсины] |
Eric: To say “either you or me”? |
Anna: [или ты или я] |
Eric: Great. |
Anna: Let’s talk about the phrase [может быть]. It’s usually used at the beginning of a phrase, but can be also used in the middle of a phrase or alone. |
Eric: For example, in the dialogue, Serghei says [может быть вина?] “How about maybe/perhaps wine?” So Anna, let’s have another example. How would you say “Maybe I'm working on Saturday?” |
Anna: [Может быть, я буду работать в субботу] |
Eric: Let’s break that down a little bit slower. |
Anna: Ok. [может быть] |
Eric: Maybe. |
Anna: [я] |
Eric: I. |
Anna: [буду работать] |
Eric: Will work. |
Anna: [в субботу] |
Eric: “On Saturday.” One more time? |
Anna: [Может быть, я буду работать в субботу] |
Eric: Great. Ok, the next word we’re going to look at is [пить]. |
Anna: [пить] means “to drink”, for example “to drink alcohol”. |
Eric: If you recall from the Newbie Series, we taught you this verb [пить] to use with the expression “I’m thirsty”. How does that go again, Anna? |
Anna: [Я хочу пить] |
Eric: [Я хочу пить] “I want to drink” or “I’m thirsty”. |
Anna: Right. |
Eric: Ok. So in this lesson’s dialogue, James says [Я не пью водку] “I don’t drink vodka.” Anna, [Ты пьешь водку?] “Do you drink vodka?” |
Anna: [Я не люблю водку] “I don’t like vodka.” |
Eric: Really? It’s too strong for you? |
Anna: It’s too strong, yeah. Straight vodka is very strong for me. And in Russia, we usually drink vodka straight. |
Eric: That’s right. |
Anna: Yeah, but I don’t mind drinking it with oranges. |
Eric: Ok, Anna, the next word we’re going to talk about is… |
Anna: Ok. I want to talk about this little, little creature [ну]. |
Eric: Anna, did you say creature? |
Anna: Yes, it’s creature because it’s alive. It’s used everywhere and it can mean a lot of things, but most commonly it’s used to express a concession or an agreement. Sometimes we just use it to sound more informal and it doesn’t really mean anything. |
Eric: Oh, Anna, I have a great example. |
Anna: Ok. |
Eric: There’s a [мультфильм] or cartoon in English with a wolf and a bunny, right? |
Anna: Right. |
Eric: And the wolf always tried to get the bunny, to eat the bunny, run after the bunny. And the bunny, of course, always escapes and what does the wolf say at the end of almost every episode of this [мультфильм] or cartoon? |
Anna: It’s like [“Ну, погоди!”]. |
Eric: [“Ну, погоди!”] Right? |
Anna: Right. |
Eric: [погоди] what is [погоди]? |
Anna: Stop. |
Eric: “Stop. Wait, stop. Stop.” How would you translate? [“Ну, погоди!”] |
Anna: “No! Wait!” |
Eric: Ok, great. |
Lesson focus
Eric: Ok, Anna, let’s talk about the grammar for this lesson. In sentences like “Would you like some juice?” |
Anna: [Вы хотите сок?] |
Eric: Or “I want some wine”. |
Anna: [Я хочу вина.] |
Eric: The word “some” isn’t translated into Russian, so let’s have those examples, once again let’s translate them. |
Anna: Ok. |
Eric: “Would you like some juice?” Could you translate that for us? |
Anna: Ok. [Вы хотите сок?], [вы] |
Eric: You – formal. |
Anna: [хотите] |
Eric: Want. |
Anna: [сок] |
Eric: “Juice.” So literally “You want juice?” Ok, let’s look at the next example. “I want some wine.” |
Anna: [Я хочу вина] |
Eric: Ok, let’s break it down. |
Anna: [я] |
Eric: I. |
Anna: [хочу] |
Eric: Want. |
Anna: [вина] |
Eric: “Wine.” So you can see that the word “some” isn’t translated into Russian. |
Anna: Right. Let’s talk about vodka. I want to give an example with vodka, right? |
Eric: Oh, my. Ok, let’s do it. |
Anna: [Налей мне водки] |
Eric: In English that would be translated as “Pour me some vodka”. |
Anna: Right. |
Eric: So let’s break it down in Russian. |
Anna: [Налей] |
Eric: Pour. |
Anna: [мне] |
Eric: Me. |
Anna: [водки] |
Eric: “Vodka.” So again, there’s no “some”. Ok, the next point we want to make is with the verb [пить] which is irregular. Anna, let’s conjugate this in the present tense, shall we? |
Anna: Ok, let’s do it. |
Eric: Ok. |
Anna: [я пью] |
Eric: I drink. |
Anna: [ты пьёшь] |
Eric: You drink. |
Anna: [он, она пьёт] |
Eric: He, she drinks. |
Anna: [мы пьём] |
Eric: We drink. |
Anna: [вы пьёте] |
Eric: You – formal – drink. |
Anna: [они пьют] |
Eric: “They drink.” Alright, Anna, that just about does it for today. |
Anna: Premium members, don’t forget to access the Premium Feed. |
Eric: The Premium Feed is a powerful web 2.0 technology, which allows you to get all of our content through iTunes with just a click of a button. |
Anna: That includes the PDFs, conversation-only tracks, review tracks. |
Eric: You have everything. |
Anna: To access the Premium Feed or to find out more… |
Eric: Visit and on the lessons page there’s a ‘Subscribe to New Basic or Premium Feeds Today’ graphic. Click on that, scroll down… |
Anna: And click Premium Feed. Is that easy? |
Eric: There’s also a Basic Feed and Sample Feed so you can test things out. |
Anna: Alright, that does it for today. |
Eric: Alright, see you next time. |
Anna: [До встречи] |