
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eddie: Eddie here. Lower Intermediate Series Season 1, Lesson 7. There’s no substitute for what you’ll learn in this Russian lesson.
Oksana: [Всем привет!]
Eddie: Hello everyone and welcome to the psychiatric ward or RussianPod101.com.
Oksana: Very nice, Eddie. What he meant to say was that we are in the middle of a story about a doctor psychiatrist and a young guy who suffers from insomnia and came for the cure.
Eddie: Ok, if that’s what I meant.
Oksana: And the doctor calls this problem [типичный случай] because obviously the guy is not the only one in this busy, busy world who can’t fall asleep at night.
Eddie: Ok, let’s listen to the conversation and find out what cure the doctor will offer to this guy, what revolutionary methods will he use to put the guy to sleep. Listen in.
Oksana: Расскажите, чем Вы питаетесь.
Eddie: Обычно бутербродами, очень люблю сладкое…
Oksana: Так, во-первых, давайте откажемся от сладкого и кофе на ночь. Во-вторых, заменим телевизор лёгкой прогулкой перед сном. И в-третьих, будем выпивать чашку тёплого молока за полчаса до сна.
Eddie: Вы мне не пропишете таблетки?
Oksana: Вам 26 лет! Попробуйте сначала природные методы!
Eddie: Once again, more slowly
Oksana: Ещё раз, медленнее. Расскажите, чем Вы питаетесь.
Eddie: Обычно бутербродами, очень люблю сладкое…
Oksana: Так, во-первых, давайте откажемся от сладкого и кофе на ночь. Во-вторых, заменим телевизор лёгкой прогулкой перед сном. И в-третьих, будем выпивать чашку тёплого молока за полчаса до сна.
Eddie: Вы мне не пропишете таблетки?
Oksana: Вам 26 лет! Попробуйте сначала природные методы!
Eddie: Once again, with a translation.
Oksana: Еще раз, с переводом.Расскажите, чем Вы питаетесь.
Eddie: Tell me, what do you usually eat?
Oksana: Обычно бутербродами, очень люблю сладкое…
Eddie: Usually sandwiches, I also like sweets a lot…
Oksana: Так, во-первых, давайте откажемся от сладкого и кофе на ночь. Во-вторых, заменим телевизор лёгкой прогулкой перед сном. И в-третьих, будем выпивать чашку тёплого молока за полчаса до сна.
Eddie: Okay, first, let's cut out the sweets and coffee at night. Second, let's change watching television into a light walk before bed. And third, let's drink a cup of warm milk before sleeping.
Oksana: Вы мне не пропишете таблетки?
Eddie: You are not going to prescribe me any pills?
Oksana: Вам 26 лет! Попробуйте сначала природные методы!
Eddie: You are twenty-six years old! Try some natural methods first!
Eddie: Nothing revolutionary new, but at least this doctor starts from eliminating all the bad habits and reasons that might cause insomnia.
Oksana: Yeah, I was just given pills with the words “You can even drink alcohol with them”, which means as soon as I quit the pills my natural body system will be so messed up that…
Eddie: Ok, back to the guy. What do we know about him? He’s 26, his eating habits are not healthy, and he seeks fast and easy solutions for his problem. Let’s listen to the vocabulary that was used in the lesson to describe all that. The first word we’ll look at is…
Oksana: [Рассказать]
Eddie: To tell.
Oksana: [Рассказать]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Питаться]
Eddie: To eat (general formal word).
Oksana: [Питаться]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Бутерброд]
Eddie: Sandwich.
Oksana: [Бутерброд]
Eddie: And next.
Oksana: [Во- первых, во-вторых, в-третьих]
Eddie: First, second, third.
Oksana: [Во-первых, во-вторых, в-третьих]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Отказаться]
Eddie: To give up on, to refuse.
Oksana: [Отказаться]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [На ночь]
Eddie: Late at night, before sleeping.
Oksana: [На ночь]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Заменить]
Eddie: To replace, to substitute.
Oksana: [Заменить]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Прогулка]
Eddie: A walk.
Oksana: [Прогулка]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Прописать]
Eddie: To prescribe.
Oksana: [Прописать]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Таблетка]
Eddie: A pill, a tablet.
Oksana: [Таблетка]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Природа]
Eddie: Nature.
Oksana: [Природа]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Метод]
Eddie: Method.
Oksana: [Метод]
Eddie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is…
Oksana: [Рассказать]
Eddie: “To tell”. Don’t confuse it with the word [сказать] which means “to say”. You use [рассказать] when you mean a long story that should be told. Use [сказать] without the prefix [рас] when you’re talking about a short fact or a word.
Oksana: Here are a couple of examples. [Он рассказал тебе эту историю?]
Eddie: Did he tell you this story?
Oksana: [Он сказал тебе что это?]
Eddie: “Did he tell you what it is?” The next word is…
Oksana: [Питаться]. It’s a formal and very general word for “to eat”, more like “to feed oneself”.
Eddie: The noun would be [питание], “food”, “nutrition” or “diet”. Usually, it’s used in the following contexts.
Oksana: [Он плохо питается]
Eddie: “He’s not eating properly, not eating enough.” Note, if you say [Он плохо ест], “He doesn’t eat well”, it would mean either he doesn’t have a good appetite or he doesn’t eat enough for some personal reasons. But [Он плохо питается] means that he doesn’t get enough good, nutritious food and it reflects on his health. Here are some other set expressions.
Oksana: [Продукты питания]
Eddie: Food products.
Oksana: [Неправильное питание]
Eddie: “Unhealthy eating”. “Malnutrition.” The next word is…
Oksana: [Бутерброд] which sounds very similar to “butter and bread” and means “a sandwich”. Next we have an easy but useful grammar structure - [во-первых, во-вторых, в-третьих].
Eddie: “First, second and third.” This structure doesn’t need much introduction as all you have to do is remember these three words and then add all those one, two, threes that you want to say. The next word is…
Oksana: [Отказаться]
Eddie: It’s a reflexive verb which means “to refuse”, “to deny oneself something” or “to give up on something.” For example…
Oksana: [Отказаться от помощи]
Eddie: To refuse someone’s help.
Oksana: [Отказаться от сладкого]
Eddie: “To give up on sweets.” IF you drop the ending [ся], you’ll get a simple verb - "deny” or “refuse”.
Oksana: For example [Мне отказали в визе], “I was denied Visa.”
Eddie: Next we have a short phrase.
Oksana: [На ночь] which literally means “on the night”.
Eddie: It can also be translated as “for the night” in the context of [Он остался у меня на ночь]. He stayed over the night at my place”. It can also mean “before sleep” if you’re talking about some activities before going to bed, mostly those that may harm your sleep.
Oksana: Yes, for example [Наедаться на ночь]. “To eat a lot before sleep” or [Слушать тяжелый рок на ночь], “To listen to the hard rock before sleep.”
Eddie: The next word we have is…
Oksana: [Заменить]
Eddie: “To replace”, “change for”, “substitute”.
Oksana: For example, [Заменить преподавателя].
Eddie: “To substitute a teacher.”
Oksana: Or [Заменить старый телефон-новым].
Eddie: “To replace an old phone with a new one.” The next word we have is a simple noun for “a walk” or “a stroll”.
Oksana: [Прогулка]. Usually, we say [Идти на прогуку] which means “to go for a walk”. The next word is [прописать].
Eddie: Which means “to prescribe”. If we drop the prefix [про], we’ll get a verb for “to write”.
Oksana: Which is [писать]. And the prefix [про] gives it a medical connotation, “to prescribe” - [прописать]. The next word is [таблетки].
Eddie: Which means “tablet” or “pills”. If you change the ending into [а], you’ll get a word for “just one pill” [таблетка]. The next word is…
Oksana: [Природа]
Eddie: A beautiful word meaning “nature”.
Oksana: There is an expression which is very popular with Russians. [Поехать на природу]. Literally, “to go out to the nature”.
Eddie: Yeah, picnics, [daches] and [шашлыки]. All of this requires [Поехать на природу], but in our case this word changed into an adjective. [Природный].
Oksana: [Природный метод] which means “natural method”.
Eddie: Ok, we didn’t have too many words and those we had were quite easy, so I'm sure you’ll have lots of energy left for the grammar.

Lesson focus

Oksana: Today we’ll keep talking about the Russian case system, but the good news is there will be only one case in our focus today.
Eddie: The instrumental case. Let me quickly remind you what this case is all about. The instrumental case is used to indicate an instrument that helps to perform an action. It might also be used to describe someone’s job or in combination with certain prepositions. In English, this function’s marked by the prepositions “by” and “with” as in the sentences “I came by bus”, “I eat with a spoon”. In this lesson, the nouns in the instrumental case are…
Oksana: [Бутербродами] “sandwiches”, the regional or nominative form is [бутерброд]. And [прогулкой] “a walk”, and the original form of this word is [прогулка].
Eddie: If you translate the sentence [Я питаюсь бутербродами] into English, you might not hear the preposition “with” there. It simply sounds as “I eat sandwiches”. But the Russian word [питаться] is translated as “to feed oneself”, therefore it implies “with” which leads to the instrumental case - [Питаться бутербродами].
Oksana: In the sentence [Заменить телевизор прогулкой], “to substitute a TV with a walk”, the preposition “with” is obvious and it leaves us no doubt that we have to use the instrumental case.
Eddie: In the previous lesson, we also came across the instrumental case when the patient said he works as a programmer. As the professions also relate to the instrumental case, we change the word [программист] into [программистом]. Oksana, give us some more examples of the prepositions and sentences like “I work as a…” something.
Oksana: Ok. [Я работаю бухгалтером] “I work as an accountant.” Or “I am an accountant.” [Она работает юристом] “She works as a lawyer” or “She’s a lawyer.” [Он работает водителем] “He works as a driver.” “He’s a driver.” [Они работают поварами] “They work as cooks.” “They are cooks.”
Eddie: Great. Now we have only one little thing left we have to figure out how to form the instrumental case.
Oksana: I’ll help you with that. Just listen attentively. If a noun is masculine, we simply add the ending [ом] or [ем] to it. Just like in the examples above, we changed [юрист], “lawyer” into [юристом] and got “as a lawyer”. And we changed [водитель] “a driver” into [водителем].
Eddie: When it comes to feminine nouns, we replace the last letter with [ой] or [ей] . [Ложка] “spoon” becomes [ложкой] and [соя] “soy” becomes [соей].
Oksana: For the neutral nouns, you just add the letter [м] to the end and for plurals you should use such endings as [ами] or [ями].


Eddie: That just about does it for today. [Пока]
Oksana: [Счастливо!]

