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Lesson Transcript

Anna: [Меня зовут Анна.]
Eric: Eric here. Beginner Series Season 1, Lesson 24 – “Do you know what time it is in Russia?” Hi, my name is Eric and I'm joined here by…
Anna: Anna.
Eric: [Приветствую Вас, мадмуазель Лемешкина]
Anna: [Здравствуй Эрик] I see you’re in a good mood today.
Eric: Only because of you, mademoiselle.
Anna: Hello everyone and welcome back to RussianPod101.com. The focus of this lesson is time and transport.
Eric: Today’s conversation is between James and Marina.
Anna: The speakers are friends, therefore they will be speaking informally.
Eric: Ok, let’s listen to today’s conversation. I’ll be playing James.
Anna: And I’ll be playing Marina.
Eric: Ok, here we go.
Anna: [Во сколько твой самолёт?]
Eric: [В десять тридцать.]
Anna: [Хм, хочешь, я отвезу тебя в аэропорт на машине?]
Eric: [Если тебе нетрудно,спасибо.]
Eric: Once again, slowly.
Anna: Еще раз, медленнее.
Anna: [Во сколько твой самолёт?]
Eric: [В десять тридцать.]
Anna: [Хм, хочешь, я отвезу тебя в аэропорт на машине?]
Eric: [Если тебе нетрудно,спасибо.]
Eric: One time, natural native speed with translation.
Anna: Еще раз, с переводом.
Anna: [Во сколько твой самолёт?]
Eric: What time is your plane?
Anna: [В десять тридцать.]
Eric: 10.30
Anna: [Хм, хочешь, я отвезу тебя в аэропорт на машине?]
Eric: Do you want me to drive you to the airport?
Anna: [Если тебе нетрудно,спасибо.]
Eric: If it isn’t too difficult, thanks.
Anna: Ok, Anna. In our dialogue, we were talking about airport. Is it usual for friends to bring flowers at the airport when they’re meeting friends?
Eric: Well, I can speak from my experience only. No, not… well, no one has brought me flowers. The only time that I got flowers at an airport in the States was when I went to Hawaii.
Anna: Oh, I see.
Eric: I got a lay.
Anna: I see.
Eric: And that was quite nice, but usually I think it’s not so common. So Anna, is it common to see flowers at an airport in a Russian speaking country? In Russia, in Uzbekistan? Give me a hint.
Anna: Well, Anna, I think talking about my experience, I would say that my friends and my family meet me with flowers at the airport. So I would say if…
Eric: If you’re in Anna [Лемешкина] family, you should expect flowers.
Anna: Right. Please come to my…
Eric: Ok, but you have seen other people bring flowers at the airport?
Anna: Yes, for example, if your boyfriend is meeting you at the airport, if you’re a girl. Or for example, if your friend haven’t seen you for ages maybe, he could bring flowers so you can expect that. Don’t be surprised if you are being met with flowers.
Eric: And actually my host family brought me flowers the first time they saw me.
Anna: See?
Eric: Yeah.
Anna: It’s good.
Eric: It’s good. Alright. Now let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Eric: Our first phrase is…
Anna: [во сколько]
Eric: What time.
Anna: [во сколько]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [трудно]
Eric: Difficult, hard.
Anna: [трудно]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [если]
Eric: If.
Anna: [если]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [машина]
Eric: A car.
Anna: [машина]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [аэропорт]
Eric: Airport.
Anna: [аэропорт]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [отвезти]
Eric: To drive something or somebody somewhere.
Anna: [отвезти]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [самолет]
Eric: A plane.
Anna: [самолет]
Eric: Ok, let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase we’ll look at is…
Anna: [во сколько]
Eric: Which we translated as “what time” but I think it can be better described as “at what time”.
Anna: Right, Anna.
Eric: So in our dialogue, we have the expression used how, Anna?
Anna: [Во сколько твой самолет?]
Eric: [во сколько] “at what time” [твой] “your” [самолет] “plane”. So literally “at what time your plane”. But here I think the meaning is “At what time does your plane leave?”
Anna: Right, Anna. Exactly.
Eric: Ok. So we have a different expression for “What time is it?” Which is what?
Anna: [Сколько времени?]
Eric: [Сколько времени?] So here the answer in the dialogue “At what time the plane leaves?” it’s…
Anna: [ в десять тридцать ]
Eric: So you have the preposition there [в], which means “at”. And then [десять] which means “10” and [тридцать] is “30”. “At 10.30.” If I ask you “What time is it?” [Сколько времени?] and it’s 10.30, how do you answer?
Anna: [десять тридцать]
Eric: So you just take out the [в].
Anna: Right, no preposition.
Eric: Easy. The next phrase from our dialogue that could be very useful to you is the phrase…
Anna: [Если тебе не трудно...] which means “If it’s not difficult to you.”
Eric: So if you’re accepting help like in this case, in our dialogue, instead of saying [да] or “yes”, a softer way, a nicer way, a more polite way could be…
Anna: [если тебе не трудно]
Eric: [если тебе не трудно] “If it’s not difficult for you.”
Anna: You can say also [да, если тебе не трудно].
Eric: [да, если тебе не трудно] Excellent. Anna, let’s break that expression down.
Anna: Ok. [если]
Eric: If.
Anna: [тебе]
Eric: To you.
Anna: [не трудно]
Eric: “Not hard” or “not difficult”. So literally “If not hard to you” or “If it’s no trouble”, “If it’s not too much trouble”.
Anna: Right.
Eric: Ok, great. Ok, Anna, let’s have another example with a verb we learned from the last lesson [помогать] or “to help”.
Anna: Right.
Eric: If I wanted to ask you if you need help, I could say [хочешь я помочу тебе] or [хочешь] means kind of like “do you want”, [я помогу] “I help” [тебе] “to you.
Anna: Right.
Eric: Or “Would you like me to help you?” And you could say what?
Anna: [Конечно, если тебе не трудно]
Eric: Which means?
Anna: Of course, if it’s not too much trouble to you.
Eric: Excellent.

Lesson focus

Eric: Ok, now it’s time for the grammar section of our lesson.
Anna: Let’s talk about time, Anna. There are several ways to tell the time in Russian. The easiest one is just to say first hour and then the minutes.
Eric: For example, Anna?
Anna: [два пятнадцать]
Eric: [два] is “2” and [пятнадцать] is “15”.
Anna: Right. 2.15.
Eric: Ok. And how about 4.30?
Anna: [четыре тридцать]
Eric: [четыре] is “4” and [тридцать] is “30”.
Anna: Right.
Eric: So there’s no equivalent of AM or PM, right?
Anna: You’re right, Anna. And the reason is Russians use 24 hour clock, especially in formal situations.
Eric: So Americans use the 24 hour clock, but only if you’re in the military.
Anna: Really?
Eric: That’s right.
Anna: Oh, that’s interesting.
Eric: So it would be a good thing to know the 24 hour clock when telling time, right? So it depends on the context, right, Anna?
Anna: Right, Anna.
Eric: Obviously, if it’s day time and you know you’re not talking about 3.30 in the morning when somebody asks you what time it is, you don’t have to use the 24 hour clock.
Anna: That’s right, Anna. Usually it’s clear from the context. However, when you need to be precise, you can add [утра] which means “in the morning”, [дня] “in the afternoon”, [вечера] “in the evening” or [ночи] “at night”.
Eric: So Anna, let’s have an example. Can you say “3 o’clock in the morning”?
Anna: [три утра]
Eric: “3 o’clock in the afternoon”?
Anna: [три дня]
Eric: So Anna, don’t forget we have to tell them about [часа] or [часов].
Anna: That’s right.
Eric: So if you have “10 o’clock”, you can say [десять часов], right?
Anna: Right.
Eric: Which means “10 o’clock”. Again, if you have 10.10, it would be [десять десять].
Anna: Right.
Eric: You just say the numbers 10, 10. But if it’s 10 o’clock, then you need to use [часов] or [часа].
Anna: [часа]
Eric: Ok. So Anna, what is the word for “o’clock”?
Anna: It’s [час], but please be careful because depending on the number you use before this word it has different endings. For example…
Eric: 1 o’clock and any number that ends in 1…
Anna: Is [час].
Eric: So for example, 1 o’clock would be…
Anna: [час]
Eric: 21?
Anna: [двадцать один час]
Eric: Ok, so that’s 9 o’clock, right?
Anna: Yes.
Eric: So 9 o’clock on a 24 hour scale would be… One more time, Anna?
Anna: [двадцать один час]
Eric: [двадцать один час] So any number that ends in a 1 it’s [час] o`clock.
Anna: From 2 to 4 we use [часа].
Eric: So how would you say “2 o’clock” in Russian?
Anna: [два часа]
Eric: “3 o’clock”?
Anna: [три часа]
Eric: “4 o’clock”?
Anna: [четыре часа]
Eric: Now, from 5 o’clock there’s a different…
Anna: Right.
Eric: Way of saying [час], isn’t there?
Anna: Yes, so it goes from 5 all the way to 20.
Eric: So how would you say “5 o’clock” then?
Anna: [пять часов]
Eric: [пять часов] “6 o’clock”?
Anna: [шесть часов]
Eric: “7 o’clock”?
Anna: [семь часов]


Eric: Ok, and so on. So this may sound a bit complicated. Please check the PDF file for a detailed description of numbers 1 to 24, and how to use these numbers with the correct version of “o’clock” in Russian. Ok, speaking of time, I think it’s definitely time to go.
Anna: You’re right, Anna, as usual.
Eric: Hey, that’s my line, Anna.
Anna: Ok. Please stop by and leave us a comment.
Eric: See you next time.
Anna: [До встречи]


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